
Reclamation By Nature / Ruins of Societies

2/10/21 – All the natural processes of weathering, creatures making homes in stuff, metal rusting and breaking, creatures making burrows in weak plaster, etc. Being one such creature trying to make a living there? Control the elements to try to break it down in as few years as possible? 

5/23/21 – Coming back to this idea, I have thought about a lot of the various mechanisms that can be used by nature to reduce even the toughest functional buildings to rubble. It may take a few years, or thousands, but without maintenance most everything will eventually be reduced to ruins.

Weather – Starting with the namesake cause of damage over time, weather. Obviously lightning will blast things pretty hard if it uses the building to ground it, and if lightning-resisting devices are built into it, those too can break down over time to leave the structure vulnerable. Depending on the location, powerful weather systems such as rain seeping in through cracks or flooding the foundation and lower floor, snow that can accumulate and weigh down on areas, windstorms and the potential for tornadoes or ocean-swept hurricanes can bring debris and devastation, sandstorms that batter the surface and accumulate debris, and even rapid shifts from hot to cold to create a repeated effect of expanding and contracting, can all deal a significant amount of damage over time. When water has seeped in, freezing temperatures can allow it to expand and drive cracks open even further, breaking anything that can’t withstand the expansion apart as it continues to repeat this effect during periods of freezing and thawing.  

Seismic Events – A good ol’ earthquake can shake things up pretty well, and repeated earthquakes in an area over time can loosen and degrade the methods used to hold the walls together, or create breaks and gaps in the walls themselves. Whenever there’s a crack that’s left unmaintained, it opens the path for weather to affect it further. Localized seismic events may also lead to other effects, such as natural gases escaping from the ground to do damage in a different way, uplifting events that change the angle of the ground itself, and the formation of volcanoes that can bring anything from molten lava to pyroclastic ash flow as the method of destroying the structure. A distant earthquake can be equally devastating, as one done off the coast will result in a tsunami, bringing a wall of water crashing down upon the land, which is sure to devastate all but the strongest of structures, which then has to survive the debris-filled flooding left over.

Decay – Some materials weren’t really meant to last the test of time to begin with. The fibers may naturally weaken, hard-packed materials can loosen and crumble, rubber can slowly disintegrate, weight-bearing spots can begin to bend and break, adhesives can lose their hold, among other things that may fall apart on their own. Poor craftwork can further aid the process, in cases where the original parts of the structure were poorly built, or where it has been maintained in a poor manner, these may be the first places where decay can begin to manifest. Undisturbed aside from decay, a structure can still sustain heavy damage as parts begin to fall in, accumulate, and even contribute to roof or floor collapses. Aided by other forms of weathering, decaying materials can become the gateway for a much faster rate of destruction, even occurring acutely instead of a slow path to ruin.

Dirt – Accumulated particles that can cake onto an area lead the way to further destruction. Where a plaster or metal that is rinsed clean and allowed to dry may stay in pristine shape over the ages, the accumulation of dirt invites a host of problems that lead to vulnerabilities like mold or rust. Acting as a means to keep moisture in, the natural environment can utilize dirt as a way to maintain conditions on materials that can let in other forms of rot and decay. Being a potential vector for wildlife to get involved, dirt can accumulate to extend the ground upwards, allowing what would normally be an exposed exterior or interior wall to become built up to let creatures gain access to places they previously couldn’t reach. Dirt can also accumulate on roof and top-level surfaces over time, bringing additional weight of its own, and acting as a sponge or a means to make a heavy mud slurry when precipitation occurs.

Fungus – Mold and other fungi are an effective means of destroying breathable materials. By weakening plaster, grout, and wood, with trapped-in moisture that helps it spread, mold can act as a tiny system that propagates while causing weakening to any area where it takes hold. These can also have harmful effects on microorganisms from bugs to large mammals, who may suffer neurological damage and become agitated or outright berserk with the body or mind altering effects of these microorganisms being present in the air within and even around the structure. Larger fungi can potentially damage an organic material at a faster pace by setting up and consuming the available resources to grow larger fungal structures, and may also affect macroorganisms who attempt to feed on it.

Rust/Corrosion – Where fungus can target breathable and organic materials, rust and corrosion can bring damage and devastation to most industrial metals when given enough time. Ferrous metals are subject to sustaining rust as moisture and oxygen can batter it over time, where dirt can work as a vector to keep moisture in place year-round to facilitate localized rust. Non-ferrous metals can be similarly affected by moisture and materials in the environment, opening the door for corrosion that can weaken and deplete the materials over time as they get similarly converted to a weaker material that doesn’t hold the same structural capacity as the metal put in place. Batteries are especially susceptible to this, and as they corrode, they can exude a more dangerous chemical element. 

Flora – Growth can occur wherever seeds have a place to grow, or where a plant can grow above or underground adjacent to the structure. Cracks in concrete and blacktop can be enough for pernicious weeds to spring up, which will continue to grow and split the surface further over time. Anywhere that dirt has accumulated needs little more than wind-blown seeds, animal dropping, or even a squirrel’s forgotten stash, 

Fauna – Creatures of all sizes and kingdoms can destroy structures in their own unique ways. Burrowing insects can make pathways through wood and plaster, even using them as a breeding grounds to propagate their species. Where water can’t go, moths can enter to destroy fabrics, birds can create nests or take nesting materials with them, and squirrels can destroy fabric and plastics alike for the sheer joy of it, or to create nests of their own. Spiderwebs can accumulate dust to create kindling for a spark to ignite, whether it be lightning or even a reflection off broken glass on a hot day without humidity. Creatures like rats and raccoons can damage and destroy anything that seems like a good entry point for a hideout to live in, and may be pursued by predators who exacerbate the issue. Even larger creatures can carelessly cause damage, such as a bear out of hibernation rubbing its back furiously against a loose wall, or grabbing and pulling out metal cables for the fun of it. All of this can create more access routes for weather, dirt, bacteria, and fungus to enter a structure that had previously been sealed off. 

This can be applied to games in a variety of ways, two of which I will describe below.

Simulated Ruin – Whether a game involves time travel, skipping between generations, or existing in a distant future where the carcass of old societies leaves its evidence in remains and ruins, weathering and other devastation can be applied by hand, or through automated simulation, taking anything from a single structure, to a city, to an entire world left to the dust of ages. Players may be allowed to see the ruin occur through time lapse, or just know that a world once existed that had been built and designed to be ruined for the start of gameplay. This can play exceptionally well with procedural design systems, where both the region and its ruination are uniquely generated, which works well for post-apocalypse or the still-popular zombie apocalypse in progress setting. 

Controlling Ruin – This is any sort of ruination simulator, whether designed for academic or industrial models to understand how a planned structure can break down over time and determine what the cost of maintenance may feasibly be like, as well as knowing where to inspect regularly for damage. This can also be a game-like system where the player is tasked with destroying structures over time, either by trying to destroy them with as few events as possible, destroying them in the shortest time possible, or with assigned point values on each event and creature in order to destroy structures with the fewest expenditures. In game form, it should be presented as a puzzle, and offer a variety of challenges that are limited by the weather and inhabitants of the region.


Hypersleep Disrupted

This is the 38th entry to my Random Design Ideas and Suggestions document,  which I have slightly altered for the portfolio.


2/10/21 This can be done with either a procedural or fixed design. 

5/11/21 – I left this one on the back burner for a while, now it is time to put in the details. This is a ship traveling from one place in space to another, and AI systems are managing and piloting the ship through hyperspace. Usually everything is fine, but once in a while, a problem occurs and requires crew intervention. This is when hypersleep becomes disrupted, and players must address the problems for the sake of the ship, crew, and payload. 

This can be designed in a variety of ways, using successful examples to help with the design process and shape the nature of the game. Whether it is a limited crew that comes in and out of hypersleep, or a massive crew that depletes with each player failure or avoidable catastrophe, the point is to survive with an intact ship and crew by the end of the journey.

This model works just as well with a fixed story where events happen in order if the prior steps lead to them, or something procedural where every run may use similar events and crew but nothing is predetermined or fixed in any way.

The Decision Makers – One concept is The Oregon Trail style game, or even done in the style of FTL: Faster Than Light where players are activated to make decisions about crossroads, engage in activities that the AI cannot handle with its automated robotics and systems, perform exterior repairs, deal with hazards like pirates or a tribble infestation, or do trade to resupply materials in places where AIs don’t have legal rights and cannot engage in trade. Player success will give advantages, mitigate losses, and create new opportunities. Player failure may result in crew loss, extra resource loss, catastrophic ship damage, or the AI going berserk and turning completely HAL.

Wake Up and Shoot! – Another concept is a SHUMP format, where hypersleep is only disrupted when pirates, asteroid belts, imperial interdictors, and other space hazards come up. This may also include blasting apart pieces of a decomposing derelict and grabbing cargo left behind. This format should present trade opportunities at stations, where players can replenish critical supplies and buy or trade for upgrades that improve combat effectiveness and defenses, fuel supply to make longer trips without stopping, or better hyperdrives to go further on each jump.

Space Mania – Another is more of a horror theme, where players take up the role of detectives to investigate oddities picked up by internal and external scanners on the ship. Perhaps someone activated early, couldn’t return to hypersleep due to a malfunction they developed, refused to go to VR (or got stuck in VR) and developed space mania, then started to do destructive things upon the ship. Find out who they are/were, what they’ve done, and locate them in case they are still a threat.  

Player as Friend Computer – Another is a puzzle type game where the player is the AI computer, who first identifies a problem, then must select people from the crew that have the skills they need, and wakes them up and gives them orders to complete the puzzle tasks. They have some autonomy, but are mostly awaiting your queues, and perhaps your assistance opening doors and equipment lockers for the task. As the game progresses, this can involve multiple crew members from across the ship, and they all need to be managed so they complete their tasks in a sequence or in a timely manner to avoid hazards or catastrophes. Giving them the wrong tools, sending them to the wrong places, and giving them the wrong orders, can also result in catastrophe. If they are left alone for too long, they may get bored and roam around, suffer ill effects from being in the dangerous room where you last left them, or try to pry open equipment lockers in search of snacks. When they’ve completed their tasks, you have to return them to their hypersleep pods, which may require some coaxing if they seem to like being awake and don’t want to return to sleep yet.



Play and Train Your Party’s Behaviors

7/25/20 – For anything from an action game to a puzzle game, this idea is designed to let the player drive the behaviors of their team by playing as them. This could be presented in many ways, such as the team member who is the leader of the mission is the one played by the player, and the extras behave like the player has done. It is up to the design team to determine what cues and conditions will trigger different behaviors. Here’s some examples:

For something like a fantasy dungeon crawler, how close or far the player stays to the team, when and how they apply their abilities, and how the behavior changes when doing something sneaky or delicate compared to an overt head-on attack. If the player plays as the warrior and charges headlong into battle and calls for heals, the player should expect that character to behave similarly when the computer is in control. If the player doesn’t want to chase their warrior, they can take on another warrior mission and instead stay back with the crew, acting as a wall while the rest of the team can position as needed and chip away at threats. The ranger can stay back and fire precise shots while covering the flanks, but the ranger could also be trained to simply run among the enemies, dropping traps and firing distractions, if the player wants to play that way so the warrior has more support to run in the thick of combat. 

For a surface-to-spaceflight sandbox game, the crew can start by running missions from the husk of their crashed vessel to gather resources, find suitable locations for temporary construction facilities, build a scaffolding grid to right the ship and allow for safe repairs and makeshift replacements, then prepare to launch back into space where they still need to get by a pirate blockade to deliver something important. The emphasis may be more on spotting and avoiding threats, surveying for resources and hazard from attempting to extract them, even determining what might be useful resources for the construction facilities like specific minerals or plant fibers. When on the surface, the player taking point will be the most specific to the task, but what their comrades do along the way may be critical for avoiding or taking on local threats or hazards. Just walking around with a gun in one hand and a mapping tool in the other will leave everyone unready for situations where their skills will otherwise be needed, like noticing a terrain hazard or large predator using more specialized tools. When it comes to space operations, the missions will instead let the player emphasize how the characters will behave, what routines they go through, what small actions they take to adjust for situations, possibly even part what they target on an enemy vessel or how they attempt to deliver cyberattacks. 

For a puzzle game, it could be how the characters attempt to solve puzzles, and the logic they work through. If the player always uses the big character to pick things up, then try pushing them, then try smashing them, that’s the order they’ll try when they are being automated. The stealth character may first inspect the walls and floors for hidden paths, then inspect objects and furniture for hidden compartments, and finally try looking for clues in text and images. Where this plays out is when the player controls one character with one specific set of skills, their partners are trying to find other clues in other ways. When they call out that they think they have a lead, their partners can come to investigate. 


Some cues that could then be used:

Proximity to player character

Proximity to “lead” character

Proximity to a specific character

Proximity to the group as a whole

Attention to a specific character

Attention to a specific attribute or pool of other characters

Attention to a specific type of object, surface, or feature

Attention to the direction of the group

Attention to the direction of the objective

Attention to the progress towards the objective

Attention to the position of gameplay elements (creatures to objects, spacing of puzzle items)

Attention to elements which the character specifically deals with

What the player is focused on.


Lost Lands of Rogueria

4/16/19 – This is an idea I’ve had in a few forms for years. The idea is to make a game where the world is fluid and ever-changing until you manually lock down areas of interest so they become readily-navigable. 

The first iteration was a Stencyl game I attempted, where you’d have a few platforms at different heights and widths. As a platform leaves screen width * 1.5, it would appear at the same distance in the direction the player was traveling, but with different size/shape and height. The intent was to then sprinkle in points of interest, creatures and loot to interact with, and making it so traveling in a direction would eventually allow the player to leave the “zone” they are in and enter a different “zone” with a different configuration of platforms. While I never managed to execute it, this was meant to be like an infinite-runner game expanded out into a roguelike platformer. 

A second brief revisit to this was building up sections of rooms of different sizes, with standardized entry and exit points, which would have looked similar to the way Rogue Legacy builds its levels. Again, going enough rooms away from an area would cause it to reset and be remade with completely different contents, or similar rooms but everything in slightly different places and possibly being able to access things that you couldn’t the last time. Again, this was never completed to any demoable extent. 

Now I’m revisiting it again, this time taking more of a “lost woods” from original The Legend of Zelda where players can keep going deeper into an area, but until they know or discover the right way through, just a couple screens of back-steps will return them to the zone they had left before. The idea is less that you have to zig and zag the right way to get through a zone, so much as learning which zones will transition into which other zones with enough travel. 

Each zone is represented as an approximate “area”, and when the player leaves one zone’s area to enter another zone, the X and Y positions are remembered. If the player retreats from the zone they entered, no matter how far in any direction they went before making their definitive retreat, they return back to the X and Y coordinates of the previous area they left. This way, if you know that the area you’re locking down is about 5 screens up and left diagonally from where you just entered the adjacent zone, it is easy to return to that area.

Additionally, each area has at least one direction that never resolves, possibly a few until the ability is unlocked to traverse out of a zone in different ways. For example, if the player starts in a Forest, they may never see the actual treetops and canopy until they’ve gone East and discovered “climber’s gear” somewhere out in the Mountains. It could be that they can’t transition anywhere in the Mountains, except going deeper to explore and gather resources before backing out to the Forest again, which is only a few screens of travel back West from any point in the Mountain zone.

Progress is made by recording the world, by taking account of what and where everything is, and in doing so removing them from the random chaos that is otherwise seen when leaving and spatially revisiting the same place. Sections of areas that you want to preserve and be able to revisit can be locked in by recording it (character takes a photo, expends a sheet of paper and a bottle of ink, etc) and while you won’t immediately navigate back to that point when you re-enter the zone of origin, it is able to be rediscovered as-is if you manage to get to the approximate spatial location of where it used to be when it was recorded. Once enough connected sections have been recorded, they can start to establish more of the finite width of the zone, and then bridge into other zones, which will start to anchor down the concrete pathways between the zones. 

Beyond that, layer any system you want on top of it. Platformer, birds-eye, space, bacterial goo mass, whatever. What you “lose” on “death” is up to whatever makes sense, too. 

So extrapolating on the Forest and Mountains, I will build out a larger zone. 

The forest only leads East to the Mountains, and that is only after interacting with someone or something indicating it is there. 

The Mountains initially don’t lead anywhere, but the Climbing Gear can be found, which allows ascending to the Canopy in the Forest. 

The Canopy is up in the forest, and requires a fair amount of ascending to get there. Along the way, a Grappling Hook will be discovered, which is required to get across some larger gaps. A couple of these gaps will need to be used as the gate to reinforce getting the grappling hook.  Once there, heading East will lead to the Mountaintops, which are filled with gaps that require the grappling hook. 

Descending from the Mountaintop will lead to the Mountain Pass. Going East on the Mountain Pass leads on forever, and is a way to go “deeper” into the zone. West leads on forever as well, but it is apparent that all of the road signs have been removed. A signpost may have a note or NPC to notify that the signs have been stolen, and the culprits have a hideout East of the Mountains. After this point, the Mountain Pass can be accessed by going up from the base Mountains, and descending from the Mountaintops leads back to the Mountain Pass. 

At this point, players have a full loop – they can go from Forest to Canopy, Mountaintops, Mountain Pass, Mountain Base, and have the Hideout as their next objective. The Forest and Mountain Pass will always have West as a place to go on forever, while the other directions will lead on to different areas. Mountains will always go further Down, Canopy will always go further up, and Mountaintops will always go further East. 

The directions where they don’t go on forever can allow for more branching out. What is going on West for the canopy, perhaps the canopy gives way to fetid swamplands or damage from fires or dryness, which themselves lead on to other areas? Maybe the Mountaintops ascend to the Great Peak Temple, that leads out to the cosmos? How about the Mountain Pass, surely it leads on to commerce and traders once the signs have been replaced? This model allows for large amounts of branching out, but without being tied down to physical areas with physical borders so every zone is endless and dynamic.


The Lantern Bearers of the Fourth Age


This is the recruitment and chapter formation documents I wrote for the Lantern Bearers, a guild I intended to create and seed throughout the game world in Chronicles of Elyria, on the NA-West server. While the state of the CoE project now has a shaky future, this was written in late 2019 with the hope that the project would be in full development until release. I had spent a lot of time learning the game’s lore and getting to know the royalty and landowners at that point, so this was all crafted to line up with in-game lore–particularly that are no gods of history so it is up to the people of the land to make and preserve such records–in an area that had already been established as friendly to the cause. It is a lot to read, and there is some intentional repetition between the letter of introduction, the letter from the cache, the details of the original Lantern Bearers from the First Age, and the thirty page member handbook of the originating Quillen-Braudarach chapter in the Fourth Age.

A Curious Package

A package recently arrived at town hall, addressed “To the leaders, academics, cartographers, and adventurers, from the Lantern Bearers.” It raised some curiosity, and wasn’t opened immediately. Cautiously, a traveling cartographer and an elder among the local academics chose to open the carved wooden box, revealing the contents: three sealed letters bound together with twine, and a small hardcover book detailing the rules of the founding chapter of the Lantern Bearers in the productive nearby town of Quillen-Braudarach. They read the contents once, then again at a gathering of interested parties within their town, which you’ve chosen to attend.

Introduction to the Lantern Bearers of the Fourth Age

My dear friends, your leaders, your academics, your cartographers, and your adventures, take heed of these words and understand a duty exclusive to Mannkind. I have been willed an ancient cache of familial documents, describing an organization of widespread historians and distributors or records known as the Lantern Bearers. Beyond my words, I’ve provided two documents that further the reformation of this organization, along with a handbook containing information about the first chapter rededicated to the Lantern Bearers. All of this is to be shared after reading it.

In times past, the history of Mannkind was fragmented, and newly-discovered knowledge would be found and lost with little chance to be recovered. The documents I was given reveal that the Lantern Bearers formed to counter this, becoming a widespread association of local and traveling historians, supported by scholars, cartographers, explorers, and communities who accepted them. They would range the lands, mapping their journeys through well-traveled paths and the new paths that they made, gathering contextual historical information from all people in an area, and meeting together regularly to combine everyone’s records into a master record that would be distributed to lords and leaders near and abroad. They would also provide services to help inform and train locals, and lend a hand with local activities and survival, often interfacing directly with local leadership to be an integral part of the communities where they operate.   

Unfortunately, they too were lost, as powerful organizations who thrived on disinformation found the Lantern Bearers a threat to operations. These syndicates used every last resource to bring down and destroy the Lantern Bearers, which ushered in a dark age where the world was no longer connected under a common light. This seems to have happened near the end of the First Age or the beginning of the Second Age. 

It would be difficult to re-establish such an organization as this without a great amount of effort and participation from others. I see the value in being connected, radiating our records out as if it were a light for all to see, and I am dedicating my resources to establishing a new chapter of the Lantern Bearers along the river in east Papalias-Gardania where my family has lived for a long time among the modern-day towns of Quillen and Braudarach.

Participation in the Lantern Bearers never required anyone to shed their faith or culture in order to participate. Everyone, everywhere, across lands known and unknown, were encouraged to participate in the organization, and many did. The only exclusion is that participation must not be on a market-driven basis, and information gathered as a Lantern Bearer is shared freely and openly with the rest of Mannkind to the greatest extent possible. 

I lay no claim of ownership to the Lantern Bearers, as nobody truly can. I cannot rebuild it alone, and will only be able to create one chapter of the returning Lantern Bearers in my own home region. From what I gather, it was somewhat of a leaderless organization, where those in charge are merely the appointed executors of the policies agreed upon by the chapter and across chapters. In the past the chapters were often embedded in local governments, guilds, academies, and structures of faiths, and I am hoping this will be the case again here in the Fourth Age. 

The chapter I’m forming will be dedicated to information processing, skill training, accepting offers to investigate points of interest, as well as to gather up and prepare for a journey with comrades. Local shops and lodgings will be sufficient to support visiting groups, so we will likely have a very limited commissary that pertains only to training-related resources, as well as limited lodgings for those who don’t operate and manage the chapter house. 

Information processing is vital for us. Maps and journals will be accepted, consolidated as required, and duplicated for distribution to other chapters and each kingdom’s capital every four years. While we will allow anyone to read and copy from our maps, which must be as accurate and true as we can design them, taking a map would require a fee for materials and labor, and possibly the downtime for duplication if a spare is no longer ready. 

In order to be more effective at tasks related to recording our journeys and what they reveal, we will be offering training in a variety of skills related to our information processing methods, as well as staying sharp while ranging out in the open, or when delving into an ancient dungeon. Hopefully the facilities to train all of these skills will be possible without limiting other activities at the chapter house, but plans are still being drawn up for the structure and where it will be placed. These services will be affordable, but not free aside from just asking questions, with the exception of open classes offered to the community every once in a while. 

A well-furnished lobby awaits the Lantern Bearers and their friends, as well as a place where locals can post anything from rumors to personally-confirmed points of interest in the nearby area, or commissions from outsiders to investigate interests beyond our local area with enough supplies to cover both the journey and investigation. 

What a Lantern Bearer does has already been defined, and to be something else is to not be a Lantern Bearer. I will leave those details to the additional documents I’ve included. After that, the formal details of the new chapter I’ll be forming are stated to clear up any ambiguity. 

It is time we lift the veil of darkness around and between us, and bask in the light of our shared knowledge. If you share this goal, send me a message, the address is listed on the delivered parcel. It is time for the return of the Lantern Bearers. 

Join me in the light,

Lumifir Illuminaire

Account of the Discovery of the Lantern Bearers

Below is a copy of the letter left in a cache that my father prepared, to be seen when he passed. I believe it is important for you to see it, though it does repeat a bit of what I’ve already stated. He could have shown it to me in life, though he had some interesting quirks, and I suppose waiting until his passing to reveal this was just the result of one of them.


My dearest child Lumi,

This is a culmination of my life’s work, which I kept in secrecy for fear of repercussions of an old feud. What started as a curious question led me on a many-years adventure to unravel the riddle of our family’s past. We’ve always been known as academic explorers, our crest is well-known among those who have worked with us across the centuries, and many of our cousins and relatives have been engaged in similar activities across the land of Elyria, but I never knew the seemingly lost origin of our association with these things until I went out and found it.

I started by first reviewing our familial records and libraries, which unfortunately had a blind spot due to records lost during warring in our former homelands that deposed our nearby kinfolk. I traveled to those lands seeking our ousted kin and their copies of the records, which led me to track down an ancestral cache in a fireproof tree stump, with a box of documents and maps written in a deep cipher. Locating the cache was not immediate, of course, and the stories I used to tell you as a young child were only slight exaggerations of those adventures. You know the stories well now, and you may come across the characters and places in your own journeys. My journal has detailed notes on all of this, to help you on your way should you visit those areas and people.

The cipher took some amount of consulting Kypiq and Neran researchers and elders to decipher, as it turned out to be an archaic language that was being used exclusively in the cartography and encyclopedias of historical data of a previous time. It is thought that most of these documents have been lost, many destroyed in an inquisition of sorts, which is hinted at briefly in a document placed at the top of the cache before it was sealed. Much of the documents were prototypes of a sort of guidebook or manual for explorers, from a group called the Lantern Bearers.

The Lantern Bearers, of whom our ancestors and kin were deeply involved, were local, regional, and distant-traveling academics who focused heavily on recording the history and interactions of Mannkind, and wore symbols of their dedication openly so as to not obfuscate their presence in an area. Our names, our talents, our crest, all originate from dedication to the Lantern Bearers, even taking on much of their symbology. The prevailing mythos of our family also came from them, which is that the gods of Mann are responsible for many things, but none are responsible for the history and records of Elyria and it’s people. While this was meant to motivate, to remind us that we’re responsible for our own fate, it was seen as a slight against the gods by a loud minority with a great deal of influence.

Those offended held much power, which they saw slipping to the newfound purpose and independence of the Lantern Bearers, and they spent their resources of their empires scheming to permeate the minds of Mann with poisonous ideas that would cause them to reject their own history and control of their own fate. And thus, the Lanterns were extinguished through an assault of ignorance, as there was no secrecy to hide behind when hostile forces came for them. Fortunately, in my old age, I managed to do some additional research, and their oppressors have long been extinguished as well, swept away in the wars of the dark age they made. I kept this all in secret just in case, but it turns out that wasn’t necessary at all. Now it is kept a secret because I trust you most to do right with it, so it was only right for your eyes to see it first upon return from your journeys.

Below is a call to action by the founders that headlined the guidebook, which appeared the same way in every version, as if it was the only thing agreed upon to consensus and codified for use. I maintained the formatting of it, but rewrote the document in a more readily-readable language.

I kept you close in your youth to teach you of our ways, and encouraged you to set off from the comfort of our home and familiar lands to travel the open road without me once you were ready. You did well, you’ve continued to do well, and I used your vacancy to complete and gather this body of work. I leave this cache to you to learn, to study, and act on how you see fit, but I encourage you to raise the Lantern and shed light upon Mannkind for a new generation.

Stay in the Light,
Your loving father, Radovarigan Illuminaire

Below is the document my father Radovarigan was referring to. This is the call to action, this was at the front of every Lantern Bearer’s guidebook. Just as I’ve shared my father’s final letter to me, I wish for you to read the work of his deciphering, which was committed to what I believe now to be a memorial to the lost organization. I am using this as the basis for the formation of the chapter at Quillen and Braudarach.

From my father’s journal, the city of Amberlight, and the region of Greenmoon Dusk, existed approximately at the corner of where the modern day Duchy of Ignis in the Kingdom of Ashland meets with  Calador and Prismatia in the Kingdom of Valyria. 

Once you’ve read this, you’ll understand the motivation, the reason why this parcel of documents was sent in the first place. Please read it with an open mind, consider what it means for our future, and distribute this information to others so they can choose for themselves as well. 


Carrying the Light,

It is the light that allows us to know more of our surroundings than what we can feel within our reach. To see in the light is to have confidence in where we stride and what we observe. To live in the light is to learn how we are all connected, and to observe history as it is made before our eyes. To become the light is to shine a faithful glow that guides Mannkind through this world. 

Tasked With Our Own Divinity,

For those who wish to heed the call of a greater deed, to serve a higher purpose for Mannkind, the Lanterns Bearers call upon you. There are many things which concern the gods who watch over this world, but that which does not concern the gods are what we observe, where we go, and what we’ve done that isn’t in their respective names. 

It is our duty to take on where the gods leave off, to shed a divine light upon the history, events, and pathways of the inhabitants of Elyria. The records we make and preserve of the events observed around us, the records of the past which we discover through investigating relics and ruins of old, the gathering and researching of records from others, all helps us work towards creating a more complete understanding of Mannkind’s current state and possible future.

It is necessary that we form chapters across a wide area to organize our efforts. One such chapter exists in the city of Amberlight in the region of Greenmoon Dusk, and we invite anyone to visit it to learn better how to set up a chapter in their own area, as well as how to make it best serve the local area and its citizens. 

 To Remember Where The Light has Been,

The records we create are not private to Lantern Bearers, and are to be shared and distributed freely. To do this, we must spread out across the known world, and collaborate with the informed academics of the world to weave every thread and fabric of knowledge together in such a way that we can understand the known world without having the opportunity to see it all for ourselves, as if to cast a light that lets us see the changing state of the entire world in a single glance. 

Our goal is to understand what events shape the world, why kingdoms and cities rose and fell over the ages, how people came to be where they are in the world, and what decisions have driven the people of each region to conduct themselves in a certain manner in both their own words and the words of those who have observed them. Our intent is not to represent an alternative to the narrative of history presented by differing groups, but instead to acknowledge each group’s interpretation and record them as such. 

And Reminisce Upon Those Memories 

Records are made in a way that can be duplicated, or remade with better accuracy by comparing them with previous records. Everything is to be recorded from every available social perspective, especially when concerning current and previous names of landmarks, or local terms for locations and creatures that differ from official or regional terminology. Names, places, history, and intentions, to the best of what Lantern Bearers discover, contribute to the whole of the light shed upon the land through our understanding of Elyria and its inhabitants.

In The Company Of Our Peers,

The Lantern Harmonization is the single most important event for the Lantern Bearers, as it is the only time and place where we meet as a whole to update our timelines, maps, and records of events across the land. These gatherings happen once every 16 years, and are attended by all who can participate or send representatives–those who cannot are expected to send a courier with any records they wish to submit. Once these have been completed, a new copy of all records are distributed to all of the kingdoms, so that they may be duplicated by scribes and distributed throughout the lands. 

And That of All Mannkind–

The Lantern Harmonization also gives us an opportunity to get Writs of Passage in preparation for journeys to areas we’ve yet to travel. Diplomats and dignitaries of places near and far would attend, with an attempt to sway the Lantern Bearers to investigate and research their areas, complete with Writs of Passage for those lands. These are formal documents used to prove identity and proof of safe passage. They may be written up with any group that can enforce it, whether a regional government, a town, a caravan, or a group of disenfranchised people out in the wild. 

Acceptance, rejection, and destruction of writs should always be recorded separately, so it can be communicated to others that a group may be hostile to the light and prefer to remain in the darkness. A copy of the writ should be carried, another left with the  leadership of the group that authorizes safe passage in an area, and the original is stored at the chapter house.

While each chapter supports local activities and history pertaining to the area, we must often go beyond to seek more information, or pursue requests from others, so the ability to travel to and through areas of interest safely is of the utmost importance, and gathering Writs of Passage to facilitate this is essential. 

Who We Amicably Approach,

The open road should be a ready friend, as should academies and archives containing local knowledge of wherever you may be. The tools to get through tough terrain and weather are just as important and the tools to cast light and record observations within it, as there’s no way to cast a light further into the darkness if one cannot step deeper into it with their lantern in hand. It is wise to check in with chapters along the way to a different region, to be sure you are properly equipped for what is ahead, or to at least get a better understanding of supplies that may be needed.

With The Embrace of a Lantern’s Glow.

There is no temple, no trial, no initiation into the Lantern Bearers, as we all have a right to cast our light upon this world. There are important tools for these tasks, however, which must be acquired, maintained, and respected, in order to demonstrate your dedication for all to see. And above all, you must respect the Three Primary Principles.

The First Primary Principle is that the Lantern Bearer is always observing, always recording, always learning. If a Lantern Bearer declines an opportunity to learn, it is because they are focused on a greater observation, which may be shared freely with whomever offered to teach them. 

The Second Primary Principle is that the Lantern Bearer is always ready to offer what they know, providing everything except their own original and singular copies of records. While it is understood that a Lantern Bearer may not have answers for everything, nor have the time to provide everything if they are pursuing a time-sensitive observation, one who deals in light should have no reservations in sharing it with others. 

The Third Primary Principle is that the Lantern Bearer will cast light freely on all who will accept it, and will never cast a shadow on those who seek light. Those who seek the light must be recorded in it, and those who wish to remain in the shadows must have details of their rejection recorded as well. 

Mannkind did not awaken with the knowledge of light, of records, of the technologies and events that have brought us to where we are today. The creation and refinement of the tools used to spread the light effectively, and the development of methods used to accurately record what has been revealed, have helped guide the design of a Light Bearer’s objects of ritual participation.  

Tools for writing and a medium to record them upon must be light and reliable enough to use on the road, yet durable enough to resist accidental alteration. Additional tools for making measurements are preferred for tasks which require them, but any record is better than having none at all. Whenever possible, duplicates of recent records should be sent to a safe repository, so that the loss of original copies does not contribute to a loss of the light we’ve already cast. 

A reliable source of light is important to see the way ahead, and to let those behind you follow safely in your presence. Lanterns which keep hands free are ideal to allow recording or other interactions while traveling, however they can be expensive or conditions may be too dangerous, so anything source of light that can be acquired is acceptable. Use the light to aid your records, and to let others find you from the shadows as you cast a light their way. 

Don a yellow or golden sash, and matching cuffs or wristbands, and wear them for all to see. A matching ribbon may be pinned or tied to a cloak or bag that obscures sight of the sash, for better identification from behind. In places where yellow or golden colors are forbidden or dangerous, brighter-colored lattice on a dark ground may be used, and should resemble the shape of the side of a lantern. For anyone who knows of the light, this attire will identify your purpose, but in doing so you reveal that you abide by the Three Primary Principles. 

Your Collection of Writs is one of the most important tools for safety, and is mandatory to bring in all travels. The collection is an oiled leather satchel containing every document authorizing your safe access to a region, along with blank Writ of Passage documents which may be filled in by leadership in areas which lack such a form among their own written documents. When visiting a new region, it is always best to get a Writ of Passage completed, or the equivalent official document from leadership in that region.

Forming or joining a chapter helps establish a place where records can be kept, duplicated, and consolidated. Though participation is open to all, it is advised to become a member of a chapter where possible, or to form a new one if none exists nearby. As formation can be fairly resource intensive, more limited, makeshift establishments, such as a house or  wagon, can be enough to suffice. Paperwork should be kept to record permanent members, and they should be provided a way to demonstrate their membership to that chapter, such as a written letter or an embroidered piece of attire.  

Participating with the local community is of the utmost importance. While we have an extremely important task, we cannot ignore the important tasks that keep us all fed, clothed, housed, protected, educated, and able to pass our knowledge on to future generations. Some housing may be available at a chapter for staff and a few traveling members, but it should be expected that members planning for long term participation in an area become residents or citizens. 

With purpose in mind, tools in hand, and courage in your heart, may you go forth and cast a divine light upon this world. 

Stay in the light,

Luuthifir & Magdiyl Illuminaire

Standard Handbook of the Lantern Bearers of Quillen-Braudarach


Below the three letters which came with this book, and with an empty roster written at the end, is the member’s handbook. It contains multiple sections about the history and rules of the Quillen-Braudarach chapter of the Lantern Bearers, and an empty roster at the end.

1) History of the Formation of the Lantern Bearers of the Fourth Age

In accepting that nobody above us is dedicated to the archival or dissemination of the history and records of what goes on across Elyria, the scholars and leadership of the past believed that it was up to the inhabitants of Elyria to take this on as our own divine duty. This led to the formation of the Lantern Bearers, which was dedicated to recording, consolidating, and distributing maps and records of that which Mannkind had discovered.

The Lantern Bearers started early in the First Age, and lasted until near the end of the First Age or beginning of the Second Age, where they were mostly wiped out by powerful entities who could not operate to their fullest expansionist power without having the ability to spread disinformation by getting rid of historical records and their keepers. 

A cache containing information about the Lantern Bearers had been discovered in the area formerly known as Greenmoon Dusk, which existed near the intersection of the modern-day duchies of Ignis, Calador, and Prismatia, in the kingdoms of Ashland and Valyria. Accounts of the cache, left by Luuthifir & Magdiyl Illuminaire, were discovered at the end of the Third Age by Radovarigan Illuminaire. 

In what we now know to be the Fourth Age, Lumifir Illuminaire has reestablished the Lantern Bearers in the regions of Quillen and Braudarach, and the Quillen-Braudarach chapter is the first of the Fourth Age. This handbook you now hold is based on those documents, as is Introduction to the Lantern Bearers of the Fourth Age. Those historical documents are Account of the Discovery of the Lantern Bearers by Radovarigan Illuminaire, and Excerpt of the Guidebook of the Lantern Bearers of the First Age by Luuthifir & Magdiyl Illuminaire, which are available to review at the chapter house.

2) Membership

The Lantern Bearers exist to be as inclusive and all-encompassing as possible, but it is important to prioritize access to services and resources to those who are in direct connection to the Quillen-Braudarach chapter and the local community. 

Anyone can become a member of the Lantern Bearers. A thorough and demonstrable understanding of the goals and principles of the Lantern Bearers, along with a genuine desire to participate in advancing those goals and enacting the principles. An individual participating member is a Lantern Bearer. Members of this chapter are expected to live in or near either Quillen or Braudarach, and we will provide an opportunity to meet with local leadership to request residency in the area. 

Chapter Executives are members who are responsible for gathering the input of members of all levels, local leadership, and the local community, for how best to direct services and operations. Executives are the directors and aggregators on consensus, rather than members granted unilateral power over the Lantern Bearers. A small hierarchy of executives is used to split duties or cover absences. 

Active Members are expected to contribute at least once yearly to remain active. This is a contribution of work, materials, payment, or a combination of these, which aids in the operations and activities of the Lantern Bearers. This is not a massive deed, but bits of help and assistance throughout the year is important to maintaining and advancing operations. 

Operating Members are active members who manage, direct, handle, and take on the bulk of the Lantern Bearers’ responsibilities of the Quillen-Braudarach chapter. Administrative and operational staff, instructors, groundskeepers, supply commissioners, exploration teams, and members associated with the compilation and maintenance of journals and maps, make up this group of members. These members have the highest priority in terms of access to resources and services. In times of need, these members are often requested to assist the local community with tasks such as farming, hunting, defense, diplomacy, and investigation. 

Inactive Members participate with the Lantern Bearers, but do so infrequently, and do not meet the minimum participation thresholds set for the given time. While they may receive services at a higher priority than some others, they will be limited from services that Active Members and Operating Members can access. Inactive Members are still expected to uphold the goals and principles of the Lantern Bearers, even if they are not trying to actively participate with operations in any way. 

Distant General Members are all active and inactive members from outside the area of Quillen and Braudarach. While they are respected as members, a proper vetting is required before access to guest services is granted, and may be supervised as they work to reduce the risk of theft or destruction.

Disgraced Members are individuals who had previously participated or represented themselves as Lantern Bearers, but committed singular or multiple actions egregious enough to warrant removal. Being disgraced is a matter not taken lightly, as word is spread to every Duchy across the known world of the disgrace that occurred, along with confirmation of removal from the Lantern Bearers. Except in matters of life-or-death, disgraced members are to be offered no services, aside from any individual’s personal assistance in helping correct the disgraced behavior. 

3) Councils of Peers

A Council of Peers exists to allow a smaller portion of members to help facilitate decision-making of the organization, through presentation of correct and forthcoming data, rather than using incorrect or incomplete information to target a specific result. Leadership among the Lantern Bearers has a duty to be fair, unbiased, and objective, acting to gather opinion and consensus to make fair and informed decisions that can be backed with the confidence of the entire organization.

Decisions on operations, rules, services, guidelines, and defining anything which remains ambiguous, is facilitated by the Council of Peers. Requests, inquiries, and proposals should be prioritized based on immediacy, and then on the general priority order, but should all be addressed at the end of the year or sooner. When a request, inquiry, or proposal is presented, it is disseminated to members to discuss, and provide input on whether it seems acceptable or not, providing as much detail as they see fit. Sometimes the local citizenry or leadership may also need to be asked for input. The council then gathers the input and attempts to find one or more avenues to address the request, inquiry, or proposal, which is voted on among active members. Further input and modification may be requested during the voting phase, and will continue until votes are cast with consensus and no more additional input. For a contentious subject, presence may be required to hold multiple rounds of voting and input without delays. 

Gathering and reviewing input from members and the local community can be assisted by members of all levels, or even local leadership and their resources when available and necessary. This must still be carried out without bias, to achieve an agreeable result.

Elections are conducted every sixteen years, when a council member resigns, or is otherwise removed from their post. This should include the number of council members to have, if there is any specific task or focus a particular council member should have, and finally deciding which members are elected for the Council of Peers. Appointment of Emergency Council members should also be done during the election, and these members will fill the roles of unavailable or removed council members. 

Removal of a member from the Council of Peers is handled through a proposal, so that it can be properly assessed and voted on by active members. Other levels of members may also be included in the vote if they were active during any part of that council member’s term. This is to be handled as a high priority issue, and addressed before yearly voting is handled.

If a member of the council has been inactive for one year, or is traveling abroad during part of their term, an Emergency Council member will fill their role. If more members are gone than there are members of the Emergency Council, the Emergency Council will represent only as many votes as there are members, and will not represent more than one Council of Peers member vote per Emergency Council member.

4) Goals and Principles

The Lantern Bearers were first formed to be the heralds of history and understanding for the world of Elyria and its inhabitants, and we exist now to reignite the light of knowledge and its preservation. As in the past, we see that none of the gods of this world concern themselves with preserving the history and interactions of Mannkind, and so we are tasked with a deed most divine in preserving our own records and history. This does not mean one must shed their culture or faith to participate, but instead to include all perspectives for a more complete view of the state of various people, places, and events.  

We are focused on observing, researching, investigating, recording, consolidating, and distributing information in the form of maps, journals, research presentations, and limited encyclopedias. Wherever possible, information should be gathered from many sources to get a broader idea of a subject, especially if there are discrepancies between local or cultural and official information.  Whenever possible, records should be submitted to the chapter house, so they can be processed for archival and distribution. This is essential to maintaining active membership, and is how active members contribute most to the Lantern Bearers, who can then spread the information to points of distribution, archival, and academic or diplomatic use. 

Knowledge of the world does not come to us, and the world does not come to us regarding knowledge. Visiting nearby or distant areas, receiving requests to investigate points of interest, creating maps and journal entries about areas yet unrecorded, and taking time to understand more about the various tribes and cultures of the world, is how we obtain more information about the people, places, and events of Elyria. 

Lantern Bearers are expected to improve themselves as well, to take the time to learn that which is new to them, to take on new skills,  take the time to train and prepare for journeys outside the safety of the chapter house. Whether heeding the call to assist in investigations, assisting in the stability or survival of the Quillen-Braudarach area, or to fill a vacancy within chapter operations in times of emergency, preparedness is what lets us make the most of opportunity, and shine brightly in times of need.  

Our goals are accompanied by a few guiding principles, from which the rules of membership and participation are derived:

Recording and reporting information to the chapter house is the most critical aspect of active membership. 

Carrying recording tools and a means to illuminate the area around you are important to taking notes and capturing details in your travels, which can later be used for creating and updating maps and journals. When available, these should be freely provided to members, and in large supply for investigations at a point of interest. 

Every year, whether in-person or through a delivered package, members are expected to provide any information they’ve gathered to the chapter house, aside from private and personal information that has been asked not to be shared or is inappropriate to share, and aside from information that has been asked to remain private by the leadership of the area where it was acquired. This is then received by Operating Members to be duplicated, processed, archived, and distributed. 

Every sixteen years, members should gather to revise and consolidate our collective knowledge, especially in the presence of other chapters when possible.

While this formality is needed, sharing information may be done more freely in-person with anyone met along the way. It is encouraged to share information with anyone who recognizes a Lantern Bearer and is in need of guidance. Record these encounters, whether they be with people known or unknown, friendly or not. 

Representing yourself as a Lantern Bearer is an important principle of active participation, and includes both appearance and civility in all interactions. 

It is important to wear attire to demonstrate membership and participation. Don a yellow or golden sash, and matching cuffs or wristbands, and wear them for all to see. A matching ribbon may be pinned or tied to a cloak or bag that obscures sight of the sash, for better identification from behind. In places where yellow or golden colors are forbidden or dangerous, brighter-colored lattice on a dark ground may be used, and should resemble the shape of the side of a lantern. Between items held in stock, and being able to order from local craftspersons, the chapter house should be able to assist with obtaining this attire.

Civility and decency is expected of Lantern Bearers at all times. Being polite, courteous, empathetic, and forthcoming, is important to sow trust and good will among those one will meet. This is important to improve the ability to gather information, as well as presenting the Lantern Bearers as a respectable organization, to ensure the safety and quality of future interactions. While attempting to intimidate threatening entities to avoid confrontation is acceptable, any incivility that occurs in the process should still be addressed and remedied afterwards, if doing so is reasonably safe and possible.

The Lantern Bearers have a duty to aid all of Mannkind, and priority radiates outward from the chapter house, to the local community, county, duchy, kingdom, continent, and finally the rest of the world. 

Duty to the local community is mandatory for this chapter to exist, as the Lantern Bearers do not operate as a profiteering and expansionist enterprise, and rely on the community in which they operate to remain in residence. In turn, Lantern Bearers do their part to contribute to the general well-being of the area, including food security and assisting with local emergencies, and providing discounted services. Should we one day be forced to move the chapter to wagons or ships and become mobile, we will revisit this section. 

It is not just by the graces of generations of mayors of what are now Quillen and Braudarach, but as well by that of leadership in what the Duchy of Sanctiphandri and the Kingdom of Ashland, that we are able to exist and operate as we do. In return, we act as academic collaborators, partners in sharing maps and historical details, and investigators of reported points of interest and oddity. This does not mean that we are to shut out any outsiders, but to recognize that we have a priority based on where we are located. 

Membership is open to all, but it is through demonstration of participation and adherence to the Lantern Bearers that one can first be recognized as an active member. 

Taking steps to demonstrate participation is the first step. Visit the chapter house, register your intent to participate, and you’ll receive an orientation by member or by manual. Membership to this chapter requires residence or long-term lodgings in Quillen or Braudarach, which you will need to be able to demonstrate during registration. The Lantern Bearers will aid in legitimate requests for residency for anyone who demonstrates participation but is not a resident or staying at long-term lodgings in the area. 

5) Acts of Disgrace and Remediation

An act of disgrace is anything so egregious that it harms the operations or reputation of the Lantern Bearers. After an internal investigation led by Council of Peers members has been completed–which may include local assistance if authorities are needed–an offending member shall be labeled as disgraced, and stripped of their access to the chapter house. Claims of disgrace may happen outside the local area, as participation in the Lantern Bearers does not end at the edge of the Quillen-Braudarach area. 

Damaging, mistreating, destroying, stealing, selling without authorization, or intentionally losing singular original data sources, rare equipment, or property belonging to the Lantern Bearers, will be assessed for disgrace. Anything that can be easily mended or replaced is not to be assessed. Replacing the value of what was lost, or completing a sufficient investigation to replace the lost data, is required to rejoin. 

Sabotaging existing relationships with communities, governments, organizations, or individuals of significance, will be assessed for disgrace. Depending on the member’s involvement, the severity or the damage caused to the relationship, and the amount by which it may impact Lantern Bearer operations, the member will need to be called upon for a task that will allow them an opportunity to redeem themselves. 

Openly attacking other people is strictly forbidden, and only in times of defense or danger should striking first ever be considered. Stealing or needlessly damaging the property of others is strictly forbidden.  Needlessly slaying domesticated animals is strictly forbidden. As reports of these activities by members come up, they will be investigated, and may lead to both disgrace, and being turned over to authorities for any crimes committed. Those who have been attacked, or whose property has been damaged, are to be asked what remediation they would require before the disgraced member should be allowed to rejoin. 

6) Services and Priorities

There are a variety of services and resources provided by Lantern Bearers to its members, local citizens, visiting members, and everyone else.  Depending on priority, both gaining access to these services and the cost to utilize these services vary, and the variance is dependent on the form of service being provided. At any time, local leadership may impose itself at any level of priority, though anything less than an emergency may not necessarily be immediately addressed.

The order of priority relates to both time-sensitive matters, and matters of conserving or expending resources. Below is the order of priority provided to everyone:

Local Regional Emergencies
Local Operating Members
Local Active Members
Local Inactive Members
Distant Operating and Active Members
Local Town Citizens
Distant General Members
Duchy Citizens
Kingdom Citizens
Citizens of Other Kingdoms
Disgraced Members
Other Disgraced Individuals

Local Regional Emergencies are situations where immediate assistance is required, such as harvesting crops before an early change in the season, or coming to the defense of the area to repel a large force of raiders. All members at all levels are expected to take this on, even visiting and inactive members, up to the amount of members needed to handle the emergency. Lantern Bearer resources should be expended as frugally as possible for these such occasions, unless compensation for expenses and participation are offered. 

Local Operating Members are critical to the operation of the Lantern Bearers, so the ability to receive top priority service allows them to resume uninterrupted duties as soon as possible. Operational materials and access to training are provided diligently and without hesitation. Access to tools and resources for tasks, such as expeditions or investigations, is provided at the same priority as Local Active Members.

Local Active Members receive high priority, and are expected to act upon whatever they use their priority to access in order to advance the Lantern Bearers. Tools, materials, and resources can be obtained at the minimum compensation cost from the commissary, provided that they are for a task such as an expedition or investigation. In cases where a larger group is needed, more resources may be allocated to assist the group’s success. Training should be provided for the cost of instruction materials only, and provided to as many members as possible at a given time. 

Local Inactive Members are not expected to be as active, and are not expected to be using a great deal of their time pursuing tasks and activities for the Lantern Bearers. These members should be expected to provide slight compensation beyond the usual cost of training, and possibly requiring extra compensation for access to less common items from the commissary in limited supply. If an inactive member is given a direct request from leadership for a complicated task, they are to be provided with any applicable training and resources similar to what a Local Active Member would receive. 

Distant Operating or Active Members are to be treated similar to Local Inactive Members. If lodgings are available, they may be provided freely or for a small compensation, though in the case of a member who is bringing maps and journals, or providing special training in areas where the chapter lacks instructors, lodgings may be provided freely as part of compensation for what they’ve provided. Members visiting from a newly-established chapter must provide sufficient documents and materials to demonstrate the establishment, goals, and the location of the new chapter house. Aside from emergencies, these members are not called upon for active tasks or duties. 

Local Town Citizens are to be given moderate discounts and priority over other non-members, as we have a duty to aid the local community. Access to maps, training, and details of our activities should be available to them, though more common supplies they can get elsewhere in the nearby area should be acquired elsewhere. Reports from citizens are important in discovering possible points of interest to investigate in the areas surrounding Quillen and Braudarach, and these should be taken with as much detail as possible. Proof of citizenship should be provided, but a citizen known to members as a local may bypass such formalities.  

Distant General Members are members from other chapters who have not been disgraced, but are not operating or active members. Wearing their chapter’s attire, and carrying a guidebook from their chapter, is the minimum required to prove membership to a distant chapter. While their needs may be addressed at a lower priority than Local Town Citizens, Distant General Members may be invited to share their maps, records, and journal entries, which should be treated at a higher priority similar to that of an active member. 

Duchy Citizens have a lower priority than Local Town Citizens, and receive only a slight discount to goods and services. While we are focused on supporting the local community, that community itself relies on the greater community of the duchy for important services like defense and emergency assistance. Reports about points of interest are still of importance, and will take a higher priority if possible. Proof of citizenship is required to receive this level of priority. 

Kingdom Citizens have a slightly lower priority than Duchy Citizens, and receive no discounts to goods and services. Citizens of the kingdom are still treated with the same respect and civility as any others, as they share our struggle to survive and thrive within the kingdom, however traveling to the chapterhouse for anything beyond reporting a point of interest will be met with the most basic level of priority. Proof of citizenship is required to receive this level of priority.

Citizens of Other Kingdoms need no proof of citizenship, though documents that permit their access to the region may be required. They receive the same level of priority as Kingdom Citizens, however any reports taken regarding points of interest outside the kingdom will be taken whenever possible, not necessarily as a high priority. Some data may be restricted from distribution based on the laws of the kingdom.

Disgraced Members are only allowed to participate in a limited context by invitation, after making a formal request to begin remediation. The member’s activities and support will be limited to the context of the remediation itself. Outside of this, or emergency situations, disgraced members are to be treated with civility, but denied any request for goods or services, and have any information they provide met with the highest suspicion. 

Other Disgraced Individuals are all other people who have committed acts of disgrace toward the Lantern Bearers. These individuals receive zero priority, though an appeal may be heard once every four years. Except under order by local or regional authorities, these individuals are to receive no priority or access to services.

7) Leave, Travel, and Expanded Relations

Taking Leave (break from duties). Different types of leave are acknowledged differently. 

Personal Leave is any leave taken for personal, familial, or religious purposes. Operating and Active Members will retain the priority of an Active Member through the expected period of leave, though anything longer than one year will require yearly check-ins or some other acknowledgement of activity. Operating members may find another member has taken up their role, especially if it is a critical one, and both members should work together to reconcile the ideal choice for the role. 

Professional Leave is any leave taken in pursuit of skill development, or taking on self-appointed tasks for the Lantern Bearers that require leaving the area. Operating and Active Members will retain the priority of an Active Member through the expected period of leave, and are expected to check in at intervals they arranged beforehand. This should be no longer than four years, except under extenuating circumstances. Operating members will be expected to relieve any member that is standing in for their role, though the transition may take as long as a year to complete. 

Involuntary Leave is any form of leave for which the member has no choice, such as being summoned to meet with royalty, or being incarcerated for a perceived infraction. Should leave be on honorable grounds, Operating and Active members will retain the priority of Active Members, though finding someone to stand in for a vacant operational position will happen immediately, and they will hopefully be relieved quickly as the member returns. Should leave be on objectively dishonorable terms, membership will lapse to an Inactive Member, and the cause for leave will be addressed as potential grounds for disgrace. 

Travel provides great opportunities to help the Lantern Bearers gain a new understanding of the areas traversed, and the people visited. Lantern Bearer attire should be worn whenever it is safe, so any who identify it hopefully acknowledge the duties of the wearer.  Opportunities to learn from others should not be passed, unless danger is imminent, or resources will start to run thin without an opportunity to replenish them.  

Writs of Passage are formal documents which grant travel access through an area. Writs relevant to the journey and destination should always be carried when traveling. Sets of blank triplicate forms for new writs should be carried alongside those needed for a journey in a weather proof bag or case. When a new writ is made, one copy is kept, one copy is archived at the chapter house, and one copy is left in the possession of that authority figure for the region where the writ is made. Filing writs and obtaining triplicates is offered freely for inactive, active, and operational members. Writs of Passage are no longer recognized if a member becomes disgraced.

Expanding Relations is a task that can be assigned or requested based on an actionable plan to establish and foster relationships with communities and organizations both nearby and distant. The kinds of relationships sought include opening travel access to an area for the entire chapter, establishing a supply or information trade partnership, arranging for extended lodgings and services for members to pursue investigation requests outside of the general  Quillen-Braudarach area, or helping to establish a new chapter that is attempting to form. Requests to expand relationships should be addressed at a high priority by the Council of Peers, who must assess membership and supplies to allocate if the request is granted.

8) Relations Outside the Chapter

It is important to maintain relationships we’ve established, and continue to honor arrangements we’ve made with them.  At least once every sixteen years, these should be revisited and renewed if needed. 

Lantern Bearers Chapters are critical to keep in communication and maintain a relationship with, as we are  all striving towards the same goals, and should be aware of what the other chapters are doing. Each chapter provides a member roster, along with any relevant updates, at least once every four years, when there has been substantial changes in membership, or at any time when a member has become disgraced. It is possible for chapters to request assistance from other chapters as well, especially in cases of an investigation that will require a larger group of members than the chapter has available. 

Local Regional Relationships within the areas of Papallias-Gardania, Sanctiphandri, and throughout Ashland, are important to build and maintain. Establishing rapport with the settlements and citizens in these regions is necessary to build trust and familiarity, which leads to more opportunities to learn about the world around us whenever we’re summoned for an investigation. Good relations will assist us with supply-related trade as well, and being able to get writs of passage and travel access in general.

Distant Regional Relationships with areas outside Ashland are welcome, but not necessarily a priority unless a chapter is going to form there, or it is a regularly-visited area for investigations. Investigation requests are welcome, but due to the distance, it is expected that whomever provides the investigation shall supply and house participating members.

9) Operational Membership Positions & Roster

Chapter Executives 

Diplomatic Executive
Operations Executive
Council Executive
Membership Executive

Council of Peers

Operating Members

Active Members

Inactive Members

Disgraced Members


Drudo the Unhaunted, of the Phantom Ferrymen (BitD, 2020)


Drudo the Unhaunted, also known formally as Zar Rudderlin, is a character I developed for a Blades in the Dark campaign that started in March 2020. Since BitD characters are meant to be outstanding and exceptional compared to commoners, Drudo has a rather unique background, and a legacy befitting of his alias. While there was a great deal of collaboration in forming the crew, I chose to go with the medical and engineering role, all while forming goals and projects to keep the character active in his personal interests during downtime activities. Aside from running missions and taking care of the ship and crew, Drudo’s plans were to invent the most impressive modifications to modern ships that anyone had ever seen, while making in-roads with the dock workers to form a dockside clinic that would double as the legitimate front for the crew’s local activities. The content below remains largely untouched since it was first completed.

Gameplay Recordings with Drudo

I streamed and recorded the team formation episode, three missions, and one downtime episode, which can be viewed on Youtube:

Drudo’s History, in His Own Words

Have you ever heard of the Legends of the Unhaunted by Drudo? It is an old book of fables about people who were unharmed by ghosts because they were virtuous, but that their virtune wasn’t enough to protect those around them. My favorite was the knight who led an army against a ghost pirate crew, and he eventually killed all the ghosts, but only because they possessed the army, who he had been assured were blessed to resist possession. Well, no matter if you aren’t familiar, it’ll make sense with more context.

The Way of the Rudderlins

Us Rudderlins are a well-known family of seafarers from the Dagger Isles. I was born at sea under an auspicious sky without clouds, without stars, without anything but the glare of a streaking comet, or so I’ve been told. I suspect the name of the ship, the Salazar, played into my own name ending up as Zar, especially since the comet was dubbed the “Salamander” due to the way it flew through the sky and fractured as if it had legs and claws. Salamander, Salazar, Zar is what I ended up being called. In our culture, the armored island salamanders are known to be fearless, as nothing they can touch can breach their thick scales before succumbing to the thick poison they excrete. Even ghosts keep their distance from them, according to experts in ghost hunting.

Zar of the Salamander, I was often called, both in respect and jest depending on the source. I earned a reputation for taking my time and shrugging off detractors, working to find the best solution, then executing on it to the amazement of all. Early on I came up with a conceptual, though small scale, device that could be added to the rudder of a ship, which uses trace Leviathan Blood in the water to keep a ship operating at a low emergency level if it runs out of power, as well as helping boost overall efficiency. My ingenuity also led me to helping with triage when it was needed, finding better ways to seal wounds, manage illnesses and infections, and stabilize broken body parts. Of course, as part of a boating culture, and spending a lot of time in the open waters, I learned how to keep my balance and operate the various roles of a ship, and how to hit the weak points in a cannon battle.

As my tinkering skills improved, I was recruited to help with making guns, cannons, ammo for both, and various explosives. Despite the size of my generation, the available hands trusted to make these items were still scarce, and I was the youngest of such crafters that my family ever had. As desperation had led to less quality control among available crafters, some less-focused weapon makers would lead to accidents, which gave me a chance to exercise my medical knowledge, to become more proficient in providing first aid and then mending the wounds over time.

A Trial of Drudo

I was treated just as my kin and the other children, spending some time learning practical skills, and some time taking care of important tasks and chores. My generation happened to be a larger one, so we had enough hands available to handle chores quickly, giving us more time to socialize and play. As we got into our teens, my friends and I would take our padded wooden swords from sword fighting practice, don our padded helmets, and practice in various places throughout the town. One adventure took us to a docked ship owned by my friend Vazlo Merwin’s uncle. Backed in a corner at the head of the ship, I made a spinning slash to hit all three of them at once, but Shlobo Merwin was last in line to be hit, and instead deflected my sword, causing me to sprawl towards the forward lantern. I raised my hands to lessen the impact, and the crossbar on the wooden sword rammed straight into the large glass panel closest to us. 

The glass broke, and one of the shards had penetrated the braided bimetal filament, causing the lantern to flicker, its light wavering between the normal shade and a brilliant white glare. We had no idea that this was causing an ill-advised inverse effect that was attractive to ghosts. Lantern operators are selected and trained from among the hardiest folks, those who are unaffected by the malevolence of ghosts and other evils. Most don’t last long, but the ones who do become renown for it. I gathered with Vazlo, Shlobo, our friend Merelda Pural, a newer friend Termey Windsar, and my cousin Paven Rudderlin, as we gazed upon the embedded glass, awestruck by what we’d done. I felt what I thought was a cold breeze, but it felt as if it was from right beside me, as if someone waved a fan at me once. Termey thought to test the damage by poking the glass, and nobody reacted fast enough to stop him. This caused the core of the bimetal filament to shine brightly, bathing us in the unfiltered glow as cold winds rushed around us.

One by one, my friends went completely mad. One started punching the mast and screaming, one was crying in the fetal position, two were butting padded helmets like goats, and one pulled out a bottle with a smell I recognized immediately to be a powerful adhesive. I struck their arm with my sword to dislodge the bottle before they took a giant swig of it, knocking it to the ground, and causing them to be covered across their hair and clothes with a fast-bonding adhesive. Realizing it was a result of the damage we caused, I acted quickly to remove the glass shard, which burnt my left hand as I yanked it out. By this time, the dock workers were on their way, meanwhile I was trying to keep my now-insane friends from killing themselves. 

All five of them were put in an institution where they’ve spent the rest of their lives up to this point. The gust of wind was no mistake, a break in the filament was all a bold ghost needed to strike upon the extinguished lantern, and a suggestion is all it took to make a friend poke it out of place. There was no way I could explain my way out of this, I was the only sane one after an event that drove my friends mad. 

I was set to trial, to row out on a tethered boat, by myself, to a distance where the lanterns would not reach, sent with a conventional oil-burning lamp as my light source. If I return by my own cognition, I’m declared immune to possession. If I go mad, I am to be placed with my friends, and the generation loses yet another capable set of hands. There were mixed reactions as I rowed back, some questioning me to see if my sanity was intact, some scrying to see if I’d been possessed, some grinning or grimacing as wagers were settled, and poor Flara Merwin wept uncontrollably since she hoped I’d choose to drown myself for driving her children insane. But at the end of it all, I was allowed back on land, and dubbed “Drudo the Unhaunted” in reference to the series fables I mentioned earlier. After that, I was almost immediately set upon a ship that goes between the Dagger Isles and distant places, one where a lantern repair person can somewhat more safely learn the trade. While on the ship, I was to be observed around the clock for signs of possession or occult activity, and trained in lantern maintenance, repair, and eventually how to craft one from scratch, which further improved my ability to tinker. 

The weight of driving my dearest beloved friends completely mad will never leave me, and I always keenly remember that I’m in this situation because of the tragedy which befell them, the situation which proved my blessing to be legitimate.

They Called Me a Blessing at Sea

My reputation for repairs and mending helped get crews I served on to stay safe and productive, even in the most daunting of situations. The Leyliner started off as an average cutter, but over the long voyages I managed to upgrade every last part of it, documenting the changes in a manual I was creating. Even the kitchen was improved, allowing me to learn how to make more advanced fare from our on-board cooks. Sadly when I was partway through the full-scale version of my experimental rudder device–which I had since decided to call the Drudo Rudder–a massive beaked beast tore a substantial hole through the hull before we could ward it off. While we were in the process of mending the large leak and pumping out the water, a privateering galleon known as the Singing Siren caught up to us, and immediately offered to help by attaching ropes to the wounded starboard, then boarding to take everything but the hull and mast. After being forced aboard our looter’s ship, the ropes were released, and the Leyliner was left to sink. 

Apparently this benevolent theft bit was their shtick, as they put our goods in a warehouse, and offered for us to stay aboard for a few months to earn enough coin to repay them for storage and get a new ship constructed. If we refused, they’d sell our goods and give us a small portion, but that wouldn’t be an ideal solution. They honored their contracts though, and in the end we were able to get our goods back while getting one of the Rudderlin family shipyards in Doskvol to build a new ship based on the specifications from my upgrades manual. I withheld the incomplete Drudo Rudder system though, as anything but full implementation with my personal guidance could cause the ship to experience some rather woeful consequences. 

I learned more about group hand-to-hand combat techniques while aboard the Singing Siren. Combat was rare, but I managed to stay aware and keep myself from taking any serious harm. While my early training in blades and bludgeons made anything I grabbed a formidable weapon, an old manual from outside the Shattered Isles made its way into my possession, and from it I learned how to fight defensively with one or two weapons, as well as a weapon and a small shield, even learning to apply the same techniques when unarmed. Throwing knives at a target was a favored passtime aboard the galleon, and I won a few games here and there, but wasn’t as skilled as some of the veteran knife throwers who had their own custom sets of blades. I found that my strength in battle was beside a more formidable fighter, fending off attacks from the flanks while they single out and take down individual targets, or helping create openings so they can hit with ease when we’ve got them outnumbered. I was taught a technique where I could attack an attacker’s weapon and arm with both blades at once, letting me stop their blade safely while gashing their wrist or breaking a bone. 

As I had led much of the effort to rebuild after the loss of the Leyliner, and my repair and medical skills were well-known from all the various “rescue” missions done by the Singing Siren, I was put in charge of our new boat, the Friendly Lizard. Our symbol was reminiscent of the medical symbol on a midnight blue ground, cut by a fiery red stripe with a slight wavy pattern. This symbol was distributed on pamphlets and postings throughout Doskvol docks, to make sailors and captains aware that they could receive service at sea by hailing us with a white flag in one hand, and a polished saber or long blade in the other, as well as firing three pistol bullets into the ocean when we wave back. Odd as it was, we received exceptional compliance from desperate crews, and our information campaign paid off. 

While it was great work, it left me too busy to pursue the Drudo Rudder, which I wanted to finish and implement as soon as possible. Eventually I managed to train a sawbones and a lantern repair expert to fill my position, and decided that my passive income as a founder of the ship should go back to the families of my childhood friends, as some small remittance for the harm which befell them. And a bit to cover my rent and expenses in my cousin’s home, of course. I retired from the Friendly Lizard, only boarding it every now and then to help maintain the special upgrades I had installed while it was constructed. 

My new calling was to work at my cousin Zieb Rudderlin’s workshop, where the lower floor had water access, allowing me a safe place to test and develop the final concept for the Drudo Rudder. I was able to offer all the upgrades in my manual for varying sizes of ships, except for one. Unfortunately, developing the Drudo Rudder was far easier to attempt the first time, as the trade routes we had been sailing on the Leyliner and Friendly Lizard gave me access to all kinds of materials that were tougher to come across in the overly-paranoid city of Doskvol. This caused me to get back to work fixing and maintaining lanterns of various sizes at the docks and around town, as well as patching up injured folks after a scuffle in exchange for a small fee, or administering long-term care for a larger fee. Apparently healing the wounded on the streets raised the ire of a corpse thief, though I learned that this Eckerd individual has that opinion of all healers of humankind.

Specters in the Salty Mist

Unlike most lanterns I repaired, a ship known as the Phantom Ferry had a needlessly complex set of mechanisms and systems. There were pressure gauges, multi-piece flow restrictors, an air valve, and a couple other parts, and they all had bends or leaks. I guess the crew didn’t even realize this thing was tilted forward a few degrees, but it looked like it had been forcibly struck. Oddly enough, the glass seemed much heavier than a conventional electroplasmic lantern, even though a measurement revealed it was about as thick as ordinary tempered lantern glass. I told them it would take a day to fix it properly, or I could just patch it up in about an hour with what I had on hand. After I said that, they apparently took it as a cue to get going.

We were already further than I’d attempt to swim before I realized we were in motion, and before I could protest, the well-dressed gal on the ship dropped a large felt bag full of silver scales next to me. They told me they would be traveling for about six hours. I told them they were idiots for not letting me patch it up while it was turned off, and they laughed. I told them it can’t be patched in operation, and the fixes will all need to be reapplied constantly. One with an eyepatch responded that it is why I was selected for this operation, that nobody else in the area could even assess this, and I actually gave an estimate with full intent to repair it. Another felt bag dropped beside me. I shook my head and got to work. The damn thing couldn’t go more than half an hour without another repair, but I did manage to learn this lantern inside and out. 

The destination was that of a black market bazaar of sorts, where I had the opportunity to buy a couple small crates full of materials I needed for my project. I was also given a special card and referred to an apothecary named Stazia, who I was told deals in import and export of the kinds of goods I need. When I met the crew back at the ship, they seemed oddly surprised that I had returned. When the well-dressed gal asked me if I had some coin to cover my return trip, I laughed and asked where to stash the crates. I reminded them that I never completed the patching job, and if they can spare an hour, I can get it running more efficiently than any lantern I’ve ever seen before. 

Upon returning to where we set off from Doskvol, I told them where to find me, and not to leave without me. I’d do the full day of repair free of charge, aside from materials, and throw in a free assessment for upgrades. When they asked why, I told them I’ve chosen this ship for my grand project, and that I won’t take no for an answer. The one with the eyepatch shrugged and pointed out that the shipment of spirits onboard didn’t cause the lantern to sputter once over the whole six hours. The next day, I got to work on all the repairs to get the ship in good shape, and I fortunately had all the materials needed for the repairs among my spare parts.

My crates from the trip were delivered to Zieb’s workshop, where I plan to continue building the test unit, this time building the proportions of the Drudo Rudder to fit this new ship. It only hit me later, while I was filling in the day’s manual entry, that I had just helped assist in highly-lucrative spirit smuggling. I made a note that the lantern’s modifications may be related to keeping distilled spirits contained.

The Hiding Bag

I joined the crew of smugglers of spiritual, arcane, and weird things. Before we planned for the next job, I got a tip from Stazia that someone who isn’t readily affected by malevolent spirits is needed to create a certain kind of device for Lord Scurlock, one to aid in shielding the possessions of a smuggler from view. I accepted, and intended to make a few extra for the crew after I was finished. Stazia helped me with some of the more dangerous alchemical processes, though the fabrication was ultimately the toughest part. 

The drug-addled inventor of the device didn’t draw lines in the schematic diagrams that made sense, though I was able to fix it to something that can actually exist in this universe. Beyond that, the final cost after fabrication was far more than what was originally provided. I met with Lord Scurlock’s contact and requested funding for the remainder before I completed the delivery, to which he scoffed and threatened to have me shot, stabbed, and hanged, then shot some more. I told him it was fine, and that I would get them. It gave the contact long enough pause for them to completely lose my trail, after which I took the completed units back to the crew hideout, the blueprints to my personal copy of the manual, and the discarded excess volatile materials to a furnace. Scurlock can go fuck himself, but I’ll make sure this won’t be traced back to Stazia or Zieb. I have a plan for smoothing this over later, anyway. 

So I’m a smuggler now. But no matter what I do with the Phantom Ferrymen, my work with the Friendly Lizard will keep my name in high regard among the Rudderlins and the families of my childhood town. 

Character Sheet

Crew: Phantom Ferrymen

Name: Zar Rudderlin

Alias: Drudo the Unhaunted

Look: Greasy shoulder-length wavy black hair, thick moustache, medium height (5’6″ish) with a naturally wide stance. Long heavy jacket with hood, tall boots, wide pouch-covered belt, smooth leather tunic and pants. A medical bag is worn visibly. 

Heritage: Born at sea near The Dagger Isles

Background: Repairs and Triage at Sea (Trade)

Vice / Purveyor: Doing great work, good or otherwise, to honor the seafaring Rudderlin Family. Working on a master project at Zieb’s shop. (Obligation to Family)

Role: Leech

Special Ability: Physicker

Insight: Study 2, Tinker 2

Prowess: Finesse 1, Wreck 1

Resolve: Attune 1, Sway 1

Clever Friends: Stazia +1, Eckerd -1


Quest: The Vengeful Youth


This quest was written with games like Ashes of Creation and New World in mind, where a corrupting force taints the land and shows no mercy to anyone that comes within its reach. While New World has a combination of the whole land being tainted and having corruption events popping up for players to resolve, Ashes of Creation is about returning to a world that has spreading corruption but does not affect the entirety of the land.

Between the two examples, this is more geared towards Ashes of Creation, based on what I’ve seen of quest design from the Alpha 1 pre-testing era. This would make sense for any settlement that is at a Village level (T3) or above, since it would be populated enough to support the presence of NPCs, and for corruption to manifest itself to a degree that would work for the quest. As it can make for a cumbersome document that may be otherwise left unread, I’ve chosen to hold back on adding dialog to the quest, wanting instead to focus more on the content of the quest chain. I may write a playable Twine version of the quest with dialog in the future.

All names are subject to change, based on the context and people in the area where the quest takes place. For now I’ll provide the following names: The father is Briar Floria, mother is Rosemary Floria, daughter is Marigold Floria, and the son/daughter who is the subject of the quest is Sage Floria. Sage and Marigold are around 15-16 years old, youthful but not so young that they are small and can’t use a shorter adult skin with a youthful face and voice. The vendor is Bruce Varsmith, who is an armorsmith that sells armor, including some padded “training” armor, and a few “training” weapons that don’t deal much damage, all at a very low price.

Initial Structure Concept

Sage tries to trade some nice gems they found for coins to players, and when successful, tries to go to the vendor to purchase training-quality equipment afterwards. The armorsmith vendor Bruce Valsmith won’t sell it to them without their mother’s permission, so they steal it at night, leaving a bag of gold that covers the cost of the gear, to sneak off from home with it after taking a copy of an old map their mother brought when they returned to Verra. This map showed where their ancestral home was thought to be, but when they arrived nearby as a family, the corruption in the area set itself upon them before they could get to the location of where their ancestral home would be located. Their father Briar was slain in holding off, while the rest of the family retreated. Sage is now heading back there with hopes of being a great warrior and reclaiming the land, but the players must bail them out and return the child to their home. 

Sage’s mother asks if you can find Sage’s sister Marigold, who is probably wandering about town playing with her bird whistle, and to ask if she knows where her sibling and the map went. At first Marigold is shy and runs off, but once you’ve found her, you explain that Sage has disappeared along with the old map. She says Sage was gathering gems that were left in the grass from a recent caravan that spilled its goods when a wheel broke, and that they were planning to get gear from a certain vendor before setting out to reclaim their old home from the orange-red creatures. She gives you the bird whistle so you can try to call out to Sage, as they would recognize the sound. Talking to the armor vendor Bruce at this point will reveal that he had been robbed of some equipment, but there was more than enough money to buy the stolen basic training gear which was left behind in a bag, and he provides a tincture that will reverse any corrupted maladies from the Sage if they are found. 

Return to the mother and convey this, and she’ll reveal that she was permanently wounded from fighting off creatures that tried to attack her and the children when escaping the corruption, and instead marks on the map where to search for the missing kid. Unless you were a jerk the whole time, she provides a blessing that will decrease corruption aggro for the next 30 minutes, and urges you to use Marigold’s bird whistle to call to Sage. Without her blessing, the whistle will draw out additional creatures. With the blessing, the child only has one creature chasing them, one with some enhanced hit points but otherwise normal attributes. Once Sage is rescued, they can be provided the tincture, and must be brought back home safely. If Sage dies before they get the tincture, the mission is failed, and the player is unable to take the quest again. If Sage dies after getting the tincture, they’ll reappear by their mother, lacking the armor they stole but having been spared from death by the very power that keeps players respawning. Success allows for a follow-up quest to help train Sage, and eventually take them on a quest to survey the corruption with their mother’s blessing.

Part 1: Psst! Over here!

This part entails Sage Floria selling the player some small jewels for a low price of 50 gold. If the player refuses, no quest is accepted. If the player accepts, they make the transaction, leading to Part 2, after one in-game day has elapsed. The quest shows up in the log as The Vengeful Youth, and each part shows up as the steps of the quest.

Part 2: Rosemary’s Worry

After a day has elapsed, talking to various NPCs will reveal that Rosemary Floria seems to be worriedly asking for help finding Sage around town, and ask you to check on her. This continues until the player speaks to Rosemary. Bruce Varsmith will also mention about the curious theft and payment, but this will not advance that part of the quest. 

When the player speaks to Rosemary, she communicates that she hasn’t seen Sage all day, and that an old family map is missing. She asks if you can find Sage, saying to check along the roads out of the village to see if they are playing or gathering wood outside somewhere. After checking, the player returns to Rosemary to report the result, and she pays 100 gold for your troubles.

Part 3: No Sage in Sight

After checking around, Rosemary asks if you can keep looking, and to check on Sage’s sister Marigold, who can be heard walking around town playing with a bird whistle. When the player approaches and says Rosemary sent them, Marigold runs off behind a building or large obstacle at full sprint speed. This happens again when you find her, and by the third time she gives up and is out of breath. 

After catching her breath, Marigold reveals that she did not want to betray Sage’s intentions, but warned Sage that they shouldn’t return to the corruption that took their father until they are well-trained and have a force of allies to assist them, but that didn’t seem to sway Sage from trying to obtain gear and return to where their father Briar died to save them. Marigold tells the player to ask their mother for more details about it. Upon returning to Rosemary, she is horrified, and gives another 100 gold, but requests that you hear her out.

Part 4: Briar’s Demise

Rosemary explains the tragic story of how her husband Briar died. When they returned to Verra, they had an old map that detailed where their ancient ancestors had lived before departing Verra to Sanctus. Their hope was that some remnant of their home land and homes remained, and set out to explore the location and see if they could return to ancestral homes. Both Briar and Rosemary were capable fighters, and Sage had desired to learn combat like the parents, but when they got too far into what they hadn’t realized was corrupted territory, they were attacked and overwhelmed. 

Briar sacrificed himself by drawing the enemies to him, to hold them off while Rosemary fought through the stragglers to get Sage and Marigold back to the nearest settlement. Rosemary was wounded severely from the attack, and is still recovering, so she feels uneasy with trying to search for Sage herself. She asks for you to check in with Marigold to get her bird whistle, as it should help with getting Sage’s attention among the corruption. She also asks that you check in with Bruce Varsmith to see if he provided Sage with any equipment.

After checking in with Marigold, she hands over the bird whistle, and states that she’ll return to her mother to comfort her while you search for Sage. Checking with Bruce reveals that he understands the nature of the 250 gold left behind in exchange for the padded training armor and training battleaxe which were stolen, and he offers a tincture designed to remedy any immediate and acute effects of being among the corruption. 

Returning once more to Rosemary, she grants a blessing that reduces aggro among corrupted creatures, and marks where on your map to try using the bird whistle to get Sage’s attention. She also provides 100 gold.

Part 5: Seeking Sage

The player is to immediately set out for Sage, and utilize the short-term one-time blessing from Rosemary. If the player reaches the area while the blessing is in effect, only one creature chases Sage when they are summoned with the bird whistle. Once the blessing has expired, using the bird whistle successfully summons additional creatures that will attack the player, nearby players, or Sage. Before enemies engage, the player may talk to Sage and provide the tincture.

Once the enemies have been defeated, Sage will follow the player to the edge of the corruption, thank the player, offer a chance to ask questions freely, then run home at a full sprint and without aggro from enemies. One of the questions will reveal that Sage saw what looked like their father Briar, but tainted and overtaken by the corruption. Another asks if Sage found the location, and it is revealed that whatever may once have been there is now long destroyed. If Sage is defeated, they have a revive timer similar in length to a player. If Sage dies, but had the tincture before then, they will reappear at home without their gear, and that will end their quest line. If Sage did not get the tincture, death and lack of a revive within 2 minutes leads to permanent death. 1000g is given if Sage survives, only 250g is given if Sage dies permanently.

Follow-up Quest: The Warrior Sage

If Sage survives with their gear, they are not admonished and grounded by Rosemary, but offered to train with the town guard or a guild. In order to get them ready, the player must purchase a full set of training gear and equip it, then battle with Sage trading low-power attacks until they’re low or the player is low. Return to do this again after a day, then return again a day or more after that fight, and they’ll start to use special moves and connect better with their hits. After the third time, give your assessment to Rosemary, who is happy to see Sage progress as a fighter. Thankful for your efforts, Rosemary provides 1000 gold and a voucher for a commissioned item from Bruce, who can make one well-rounded high-quality piece of gear for any gear slot.

Follow-up Quest II: Avenging the Fallen

After The Warrior Sage is completed, coming back a real-life week later gives Sage the confidence to train and join either the town guard or a guild. They’re now well-armed, and at a much more competitive level to the content in the corrupted area. Sage requests your aid once again, this time to join them in tracking down and slaying the corrupted who bears the visage of Briar Floria, seemingly more powerful than the already strong and fast man he was in life. It is suggested that the player brings a few sturdy companions, and that Sage will be “close behind” during the search, and the bird whistle similar to Marigold’s version can be played to help Sage close in when you’ve found the corrupted Briar Floria, labeled now as Briar of the Desolation. A small arena encircled by large crystals and tainted flora marks the area where the battle will occur, but Briar will only appear if at least one player has the quest. If Briar is defeated, Sage will be available to speak for a moment, but stays behind to burn and sanctify their father’s body with a ritual before returning home. 

When returning to the Floria family home, Rosemary and Marigold thank you for your efforts, and provide 1000 gold and a voucher for a single high tier gear slot item to be made by Bruce Varsmith. Sage also thanks you, and offers to become your champion if you should attempt to become the mayor of a Military node.

Alternate Follow-Up Quest: Floria Family’s Fallen Ones

If Sage permanently dies at the end of Seeking Sage. Rosemary requests that the player sets out to return the body of Sage so she can sanctify their remains and give a proper burial. She gives you Marigold’s bird whistle, and explains that she had to purify the corruption it took on from being in such a foul place. Now carrying the sanctified bird whistle, she asks the player to return to the site of Sage’s demise, where she will be waiting from a distance for the player to find the remains. Once you return to the location, the corrupted forms of both Sage and Briar come to attack. Once they have been defeated, use the whistle and Rosemary will shortly appear to sanctify both bodies by burning them with a ritual. Upon return to her home, Rosemary provides 1000 gold, and asks to remain in solace and not be disturbed again.

Training Armor and Weapons

Players can take up Training Armor and Weapons if they want to do non-lethal open PvP. Anyone using training gear gets a cumulative 80% reduction to damage taken by training weapons and spells cast when using them, and training weapons do 50% attack and spell damage and casting/use cost. Additionally, attacking a player in full training gear with a training weapon will never reduce their HP to 0. This allows for long and drawn-out fights that are not over quickly on account of alpha strike damage taking the opponent down immediately, and allows for more tactical and competitive sparring.


Nirvan, the Half-Frame (Warframe, 2019)

Nirvan was written as a Warframe design pitch in 2019, focusing on two distinct variants from existing Warframes in the use of a half-frame half-operator design, and using the abilities from five focus schools as the backbone for the abilities of the frame.

 The Unairu form is depicted in the image to the right, using the aesthetics of Hero Forge to convey a general sense of what they’d look like in-game with default colors. 

Written Design / Searchable Text

Nirvan is designed to unify the ability set of the Operator using each Focus school with the versatility of a Warframe. Selected focus abilities, plus unlocked waybounds, determines the availability and utility of the five abilities on each Nirvan variant. This is meant to be used by more experienced players as a new frame for the New War, built with the aid of an unlikely source: Helminth, who communicates using the fully-powered Paracesis as a way to extend its power and reach more of it’s memories of ancient times. 

As a product of Helminth, the frame has the appearance of an open exo-suit of organic material embedded with metal and polymer nanotech. It provides support and articulations for limbs and joints, along with a transference-like control system that runs up along the spine and encircles the head like a diadem. Various bands wrap around more solid parts of the limbs and torso to keep the parts properly, which are worn over the operator’s attire. From the edges of every piece, energy emits out in a pattern that represents the school’s abilities, growing as Overcharge builds up, and flaring out in full while Overcharge is activated.

Each of the five schools has its focus and element emphasized in its energy form appearance:

Madurai – Fire & Damage – Phoenix aesthetics, orange/red/yellow, fiery feathers, folded wings that extend during overcharge, fiery talons covering hands and feed.

Vazarin – Water & Life – Aquatic aesthetic, blue/green, flowing water and encircling seaweed, shells covered in moss and lichen.

Naramon – Void & Chaos – Shadowy aesthetics, black/deep red-purple range, ghostly and blurred, twisting and formless.

Unairu – Earth & Defense – Gemstone aesthetics, white/purple-blue-green range, reflective and translucent, glittery highlights and sharp points, royal/regal/crown jewels. 

Zenurik – Storm & Energy – Lightning aesthetics, overblown white/yellow/blue, brightly sparking with energy, wind-blown shapes and curves like Boccioni’s “Futuristic Man” sculpture.


Maximum Frame Level 40 – Nirvan is capable of being enhanced from 30 to 40 with applications of Forma, similar to Paracesis and Kuva weaponry. All forms of Forma apply to this, including Umbra and Stance Forma. 

Innate Energy Regeneration – When abilities have not been used for 1 second, energy slowly replenishes at 1% per second, ramping up to 2.5% per second after 5 seconds. As a tradeoff, Nirvan is among the lower energy pools of all frames. This % applies to increased energy from mods. 

Unique Slam – Nirvan takes no falling damage, and long falls or ground slams now release an effect based on the school selected.

Innate Slam – If no melee weapon is equipped, an attack that does 100 void damage in a 5m radius is used instead when a player attempts to slam attack. 0% crit and status chance, and 5 energy is consumed. 

Unique Divekick, Slide, and Bullet Jump – Performing these will provide an additional effect based on the school selected.

Unique Bleedout and Recovery – All forms of Nirvan have a way to recover themselves from bleedout. In Bleedout, Nirvan may also swap between their Secondary weapon and Amp. 

Umbra Capable – Able to equip Umbra slots with a standard Forma, though none are provided by default. 

Waybound Enhancement – All waybounds apply to Nirvan, making a master of the five ways into the most powerful possible Nirvan user. 

Increase Affinity – For whatever school is currently active, affinity gain is a baseline of 1%. This can be increased with a Nirvan Lens (2%), Greater Nirvan Lens (3.5%), and Eidolon Nirvan Lens (5%). As a tradeoff, Nirvan may not accept any single school’s focus lens. 

Selective Focus – Once Nirvan has been built and obtained to the inventory, the ability to set the power of non-waybound abilities is added, rather than being forced to use the maximum level of any Focus ability. This allows for optimal customization, as some school abilities may not be wanted at full level, like Void Radiance increasing the cost of the ability for an effect that the player may not want for their build. 

Passive Augmentation – Passive abilities for the school that aren’t used in any abilities are also affected by mods. 


Cannot be purchased. Only doing the Nirvan quest grants access to Nirvan.

Incapable of transference, and cannot be used in missions which require transference to be completed. 


Abilities utilize the nodes that are active for the selected way. All five configurations use abilities designed under the same general pattern.

Ability 1: Void Dash – This is an enhanced version of the school’s Void Dash abilities, and it gains the 2x/4x modifier for successive use. Strength mods affect damage and effect intensity, duration makes it go further, range increases the area of effect.

Ability 2: Void Blast – This is an enhanced version of the Void Blast ability, using mods to further enhance damage, range, effect, and duration. The default range is much further than a Void Blast normally reaches. 

Ability 3: Void Mode – This is a togglable enhanced version of Void Mode, allowing for prolonged stealth as needed. Unlike the operator version, taking combat actions will not break stealth, though it will deplete energy faster when using weapons for non-finisher attacks.

Ability 4: Void Augment – This shares passive abilities to allies within Affinity range while adding some other effects, lasting 1 minute, and is enhanced by Strength and Duration mods.

Ability 5: Overcharge. This ability charges up slowly over the mission, faster with kills and successful use of abilities. Once it is above 50% it may be activated, though it will not last as long or have maximum effect unless it is activated at 100%. Overcharge can get to as high as 300%, where every Forma added to the frame increases the maximum storage by +40%. The burn rate while active is 5% per second, regardless of focus equipped or Efficiency mods. Overcharge allows Blast and Dash to be used freely, and the non-stealth effects of the Void Mode ability are active, along with the Void Augment ability.


Madurai – The burning spirit of war, the wings of the phoenix. Nirvan Madurai practitioners bring a pyroclastic fury that leaves nothing but melted steel and ash in its wake.

1: Starfire Dash – This uses the combined skills of Blazing and Meteoric Dash, amplifying both separately. Energy cost: 14.5 + 0.5 per focus slot of abilities used.

  • Blazing Dash adds a trail of fire that deals 100 / 200 / 300 / 400 / 600 / 1000 damage/s over 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 12 / 14s. 
  • Meteoric Dash adds  +100 / +200 / +300 / +400 Extra Damage to enemies.
  • This stuns enemies with a guaranteed Fire proc instead of displacing them. 
  • Duration and Range both affect distance.
  • Strength increases damage dealt accordingly.
  • Range affects the width of the fire trail.
  • Duration affects the longevity of the fire trail. 

2: Phoenix Blast – uses the combined skills of Flame Blast and Rising Blast, amplifying both separately. Energy Cost: 3 + 1 per focus slot of abilities used.

  • Flame Blast releases a ball of fire that deals 200 / 300 / 400 / 500 of the Void Blast damage and explodes after 0.1 / 0.15 / 0.3 / 0.6s.
  • Increase damage of Flame Blast by 50% / 100% / 150% / 200% and at least one focus allows the fireball to be charged up for up to 3x increase on total damage output. 
  • Duration increases the travel time of Flame Blast, and Range increases the travel speed. Duration slightly reduces charging time for Rising Blast.
  • Strength increases damage dealt accordingly.

3: Prismatic Void – Combines Void Radiance and Void Strike, and gives some extra utility – while in Void Mode, attacks don’t diminish the Void Strike attack count. Consumes 15/20/25/30 per Void Radiance Focus Slot Used, along with 1 + Void Strike Focus Slots Used /4 energy per second, and is guaranteed to use Void Radiance when turned off.

  • Void Radiance consumes energy upfront, and when Prismatic Void ends, enemies within 4 / 6 / 8 / 10m are blinded for 2 / 3 / 4 / 5s.
  • Void Strike makes 1 / 1 / 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 attacks deal 5% / 7% / 8% / 10% / 11% / 12% additional damage for every second spent in Prismatic Void, and are not diminished by attacks performed during Prismatic Void, but attacking pauses the damage multiplier increase until 1 second has elapsed after attacking.  
  • Strength increases increase Void Strike amplification.
  • Duration and Range only affect Void Radiance features.

4: Phoenix Call – Phoenix Spirit and Phoenix Talons are applied to allies, and each ally within the affinity radius increases the effect by 10%. This costs 12 energy per focus slot used, and lasts 1 minute. 

  • Phoenix Talons increases Physical Damage by 10% / 15% / 20% / 25%.
  • Phoenix Spirit increases Elemental Damage by 10% / 15% / 20% / 25%.
  • Duration increases length, but Range has no effect.
  • Strength increases the total damage boost, but not the +10% multiplier per ally in range.

5: Fiery Uprising – Burn with a fury that lights the night sky ablaze, turning the force of a small squad into the conflagrating torch that incinerates foes of the Tenno. 

  • Phoenix Call is active with double the bonus for squadmates in range. 10% of damage dealt by affected players is converted to true damage, to bypass resistances.
  • All enemies within 5 meters become blinded while in proximity.
  • Starfire Dash and Phoenix Blast are free to use.
  • Phoenix Blast uses the maximum charge instantly. 
  • Half of all Fire damage is replaced with Void damage, including weapons and mod abilities like Firewalker. 
  • Void Strike charges accumulate up to 30, and do not diminish until Phoenix Uprising has run out. 
  • The burn rate is 5% per second, regardless of focus equipped or Efficiency mods.
  • Range affects blinding radius.

Bleedout causes a wave of 500 void 500 fire damage flames to ripple out 10m from Nirvan at 1 second intervals, while the downed Nirvan has full access to their Amp. Inflicting damage to enemies charges the Overcharge meter, and that gain rate is doubled by any damage dealt by ripples. Every 1000 amp damage or 500 ripple adds 1% Overcharge.  If Overcharge reaches 100% before bleedout ends, or increases by 50% from start of bleedout before bleedout ends, Overcharge activates, and Nirvan returns to full health with invulnerability to all damage until Overcharge ends. 

Bullet Jump and Slide leave behind a trail of fire for 2 seconds, dealing 50 void and 50 fire damage every second. No more than 50m of total fire trail may exist. 

  • Strength affects damage dealt.
  • Range increases the fire trail max length.
  • Divekick procs burst, dealing 100 burst damage, 50 fire damage, and 50 void damage. 
  • Strength affects damage dealt.

Slam is guaranteed to proc 20 fire damage over 2.5s and add 10% damage vulnerability on enemies that are hit for 2.5s.

  • Strength increases damage dealt and vulnerability added.
  • Duration affects damage and vulnerability length. 

When Phoenix Call is not active, Phoenix Spirit and Phoenix Talons provide their passive benefit to Nirvan, and are affected by Strength.


Vazarin – The caring spirit, in tune and balanced with the unseen tides of the void. Their presence is a boon and a blessing to all who the Tenno seek to preserve.

1: Defensive Dash – This combines Protective Dash and Sonic Dash, using both at once rather than overriding Protective Dash. Uses 16.5 + 0.5 energy per focus slot used. 

  • 2/3/4/5s immunity and length of healing bonus are extended by Duration.
  • Strength has a diminished increase to the healing bonus, only adding +2.5%/ 5% /7.5% /10% per +100% Strength. 
  • Shockwave width and stun duration are affected by range and duration.

2: Aegis Blast – This combines Guardian Shell and Guardian Blast. Costs 2 energy +1 per focus slot used.

  • Efficiency affects ability cost, and energy cost for hitting allies while Guardian Blast is enabled.
  • Increased range affects distance for shielding allies.
  • Strength affects damage absorption and overshields granted.

3: Hidden Boon – This combines Void Regen and Void Aegis. Additionally, non-companion allies increase the radius by 1m while in proximity. Costs 3 + 0.25 per focus slot used, per second, plus 2/sec while Void Aegis is active. 

  • Health/s and energy cost for Void Regen are both affected by strength.
  • Duration increases the speed of bubble growth for Void Aegis.
  • Range affects both the radius and ally proximity increase.

4: Blessing of Tides – This increases health and health regeneration by the amounts specified in Rejuvenating and Enduring tides for everyone within the affinity radius. This costs 7 energy per focus slot used, and lasts 1 minute. Any allies, companions, and mission objectives in a bleedout state within Affinity radius are revived, up to 5 per mission. 

  • Power affects health regeneration, but not increased health.
  • When extra health runs out, it diminishes at a rate of 10/s to the normal maximum, plus any damage sustained. 
  • Range affects the number of instant revive charges. 

5: Guardian Aegis – Call upon the vast protective and restorative power that can be accessed by refocusing Void energy in an area  

  • All allies within Affinity radius get their own Void Aegis shield. 
  • Defensive Dash and Aegis Boon are free to use, and Blessing of Tides is automatically active. 
  • All revives are instant.
  • All Mending Soul and Blessing of Tides charges refresh at the end of Guardian Aegis.

Bleedout causes a shield bubble to emit from Nirvan. This attracts nearby enemies, who attack it with everything. If the enemies can keep up a rate of 100 damage per second, and at least one hit per second, the shield gains power, needing 20 units of power before bleedout expires to revive Nirvan. Upon being restored, Nirvan releases the power of the shield bubble, causing knockback and 100% radiation proc for 100 damage to enemies within 25m (affected by Range). Any downed allies within the exploded bubble’s range are also revived. 

Bullet Jump and Slide heals 10 health per second for 3 seconds, and applies the heal to any allies passed by within 2m or within the bullet jump burst radius. This can’t activate more than once every 5 seconds. 

Divekick grants 50 overshield, up to a maximum of 250, for each enemy hit in a single divekick. This lasts up to 10 seconds, and the timer is refreshed on additional divekicks, but will not be replenished or replaced by a higher value unless a divekick hitting equal or greater targets is performed.

Slam Attack provides temporary overshield to self and allies within the radius, based on distance traveled on the slam.

Health Increase and Regeneration from Rejuvenating and Enduring Tides, including increases from mods, are active at all times for Nirvan.


Naramon – The bloodied blade splitting through the night, sundering flesh and steel with unrelenting precision and unseen grace. 

1: Blade Dash – This dash combines Executing and Surging Dash, increasing both damage and applied vulnerability. This uses 16.5 energy + 0.5 per focus slot used. 

  • Finisher vulnerability affected by Strength.
  • Range affects Surging Dash range increase. 

2: Chaotic Blast – This combines Disorienting and Disarming Blast, improving the chances of one or both triggering. Costs 2 energy +1 per focus slot used.

  • Either confusion or disarm will always happen if both nodes are full (or increased by strength to the equivalent of 50% each), and the chance to have both apply is possible with increased Strength. 
  • Strength and Range affect the distance of weapons that get displaced when disarmed.
  • Strength and Duration affect the length of confusion. 

3: Void Assassin – Combines Void Stalker and Void Hunter, sharing enemy positions and critical bonus to allies. Costs 5 + whatever the drain rate of Void Stalker and Void Hunter’s focus slots drain.

  • Any enemies spotted by Void Hunter will have their positions revealed to allies, and enemies are recolored red to signify friend from foe when looking at outlines through walls. 
  • Allies within affinity radius hit revealed enemies with the same bonus crit chance as the user’s Void Stalker.
  • Strength affects Critical Chance.
  • Duration affects the maximum seconds that the Critical Chance and enemy reveal properties may accumulate.
  • Range affects reveal distance.

4: Hastened Mind – All allies within Affinity radius receive the benefits of Mind Sprint and Mind Step. Additionally bullet jump, slide, and roll travel faster/farther, and aim glide is increased, relative to the Mind Sprint bonus. Costs 10 energy + 5 per focus slot used, and lasts 1 minute.

  • Melee combo count also accumulates twice as fast while this is active.
  • Strength increases movement speed.
  • Range increases the speed/distance of all affected abilities.

5: Grim Reaper – Become the nightmare of shadowed brutality that haunts the inner depths of primal fear, wielding the exalted Void Scythe to rip the souls out of the enemy. 

  • Void Scythe finishers are performed in 0.1 sec on the first hit, and followup finishers take 0.3 sec apiece.
  • Void Scythe will teleport to the nearest enemy exposed to Finisher after killing an enemy.
  • When an enemy is slain with a Finisher, Void damage projectiles that deal equal damage to the finisher hit enemies within 5 meters and make them vulnerable to Finishers.
  • Each consecutive hit on an enemy will expose followup hits to +5% true damage.
  • Blade Dash and Hunter’s Blast become free to use.
  • Hastened Mind is automatically active.
  • Void Assassin is automatically active, including void mode activation while not attacking.
  • Every kill produces a Health orb. 

Bleedout causes a shadow of Nirvan to appear, invisible to enemies, with a Void Scythe that only performs finishers and leaves enemies in a permanent stunned state. 

  • Void Dash can be performed at a very short range, but costs no energy. Slam, jumpkick, and bullet jump, also open finishers. 
  • When 7 enemies are stunned in this way, their life essence is stolen into the shadow, which merges back into the revived Nirvan and provides 300% melee damage for 0.1sec * sum of levels of the 7 enemies slain.  

Passing by enemies within 2m during Bullet Jump and Slide disorient enemies, with a 10% chance to knockdown, 10% to confuse, and 10% chance to disarm.

  • Only one will proc per enemy, and lasts 3 seconds (disarm only knocks the weapon 1m away so the enemy can quickly recover it). 
  • Double the chances if caught in a Bullet Jump burst radius.

Divekick is guaranteed to knock down enemies hit, with a 35% chance to disarm. Kick velocity determines disarm distance.

Slam Attack confuses enemies for 2 seconds, and attacks dealt by confused enemies on other enemies are added to melee combo. 

Hastened Mind speed increases from being affected by mods are applied at all times to Nirvan. 


Unairu – Terrestrial sturdiness woven into perfect form, giving the practitioner and their allies the ironclad will to endure and outlast vast armies with little effort. 

1: Ruinous Charge – This combines Crippling and Sundering Dash, allowing for the mightiest of foes to be brought down with ease. Costs 4 + 1 per focus point used. 

  • Armor and Damage reduction is affected by Strength.
  • Armor reduction diminishing returns are unaffected by Strength.
  • Maximum damage reduction is 85%.

2: Polarized Shrapnel – Combines Magnetic Blast and Unairu Wisp. Instead of summoning a wisp, a successful wisp proc sends out +10/20/30/40% damage or 20% / 40% / 60% / 100% Operator / Nirvan damage for 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 to all allies within affinity radius. Costs 10 Energy + 1 per focus slot used.

  • Duration affects both Magnetic Blast and Wisp effect lengths.
  • Strength increases damage bonuses.

3: Transparent Guard – This combines Void Chrysalis and Void Shadow. No cost to activate, and uses the energy cost of Void Shadow and Chrysalis

  • Maximum damage resistance with Strength mods is 95%.
  • Range affected by Range mods.
  • Duration reduces the increased energy cost per ally, where every 100% duration reduces an extra ally’s cost by 1 point. Example: 8/sec with 200% duration costs 14/sec for 2 allies, 18/sec for 3 allies, and 20/sec for 4 allies. Additional allies don’t add additional cost because it would be 0/sec to add more.

4: Basilisk Resolve – This combines Basilisk Scales and Basilisk Gaze. Costs 10 energy + 5 per focus slot used. Costs 4 energy + 12 per focus slot used, and lasts 1 minute.

  • All allies receive 50% of the Basilisk Scales armor increase within affinity radius, or 100% for Nirvan / Operators. 
  • All projectiles and area-of-effect abilities have collision/size scaled up based on the bonus from basilisk gaze, as well as melee range increasing along similar lines. Range affects this size increase.

5: Basilisk Fortress – The balance of defense is tilted in a way that few enemies can overcome. 

  • Ruinous Charge and Polarized Sharpnel are free to use.
  • Ally damage taken is reduced by the amount Void Chrysalis provides.
  • All allies gain the Damage Returned feature of Void Spines (the added % is based on their own armor). 
  • Any ally within affinity radius who stands still (including performing a hack or revive) is void invisible.

Bullet Jump and Slide cause enemies passed by within 2m to lose 0.1% armor per Nirvan’s current armor. 

  • Enemies hit within the Bullet Jump burst radius are hit with Impact damage and guaranteed proc, where damage is 25% of the frame’s current armor. 

Divekick hits enemies for Impact damage, with a guaranteed Impact proc, dealing damage based on 50% of Nirvan’s current armor, and destroying 0.1% armor per Nirvan’s current armor. 

Slam attack hits enemies with a guaranteed Impact proc, and knocks them upwards at 10% the distance of the slam. 

  • Strength and Range increases the distance and hang-time. 

Void Spines and Stone Skin are enhanced by Strength, and 1% of total armor is also added to damage returned, which is affected by Strength mods. 


Zenurik – The brilliant flash of lightning, and the thunderclap that follows, which stuns and strikes foes of the Tenno with energized efficiency. 

1: Electrifying Blast – Combines Temporal and Voltaic Blast, and costs 7 + 1 per focus slot used. 

  • Slowing has a maximum cap of 95% when affected by Strength mods.
  • Blast damage is also increased by Strength mods. 
  • Slowing effect is increased by Duration mods.
  • Electricity blast range is affected by Range mods.

2: Voltaic Streak – Combines Energizing Dash and Lightning Dash, and costs 4 + 1 per focus slot used, plus the additional 10 energy if Lightning Dash is active. 

  • Energy zone duration is affected by Duration mods, but not the length of the energy regeneration effect. 
  • Range mods affect the distance of the lightning ball. 
  • Strength mods increase the Lightning damage dealt. 

3: Void Entanglement – Combines Void Static and Singularity. Costs 1 energy per focus slot used + 2/sec on top of the drain imposed by both abilities.

  • This stuns Grineer Sensor Regulators without tripping them, for better use in stealth operations. 
  • Instead of one pulse, the damage effects are converted to a radial aura that follows Nirvan while void stealth is engaged. 
  • Damage is affected by Strength mods.
  • Range is affected by Range mods.
  • Damage frequency is affected by Duration mods.

4: Supercapacitor – This uses Void Siphon and Void Flow, applying the effects at 100% for allies who are also Nirvan or using their Operator. This costs 6 per focus slot used in Void Sophon plus 2 per slot in Void Flow. This lasts 1 minute.

  • Half the maximum energy, and 1 energy per 15% of Void Flow per second, is provided to all other allies.
  • Duration affected by Duration mods.
  • Energy maximum increase affected by Strength mods. 
  • Other forms of energy restoration are amplified by Void Siphon’s increased regeneration amount. 

5: Terawatt Dynamo – Converting latent void energy into pure power, Zenurik releases electrical rage with unrelenting purity of purpose. 

  • Electrifying Blast and Voltaic Strike become free to use.
  • Void Entanglement’s damage and attraction are active.
  • Supercapacitor is automatically active. 
  • Electrifying Blast and Void Entanglement effects are guaranteed to proc Electricity.
  • Charged Melee attacks add 5x combo per hit, and gain an additional 25% electrical and 25% void damage. 

Bullet Jump and Dash are changed to produce a surrounding energy field, extending 2m, dealing 100 Electrical damage to enemies and restoring 10 energy to allies on contact.

Slam Attack pulls enemies in, then pops them straight up in a small cluster. Every enemy pulled in adds 10% damage to melee attacks, lasting for 0.25s per enemy. 

Void Siphon only provides 25% effect while Supercapacitor is inactive.

Void Flow is affected by mods that increase energy.

Inner Might provides +5/10/15/20/25/30% Electrical damage to all charge attacks.

Energy Pulse is affected by power and duration.




Madurai – The burning spirit of war, the wings of the phoenix. Nirvan Madurai practitioners bring a pyroclastic fury that leaves nothing but bones and ash in its wake.

1: Starfire Dash – This Void Dash ability uses the combined skills of Blazing and Meteoric Dash, amplifying both separately. This stuns enemies with a guaranteed Fire proc instead of displacing them. Duration and Range both affect distance, Range affects width of the fire trail, and Duration affects the longevity of the fire trail. 

2: Phoenix Blast – This Void Blast ability uses the combined skills of Flame Blast and Rising Blast, amplifying both separately. Duration reduces charge time and increases the travel time of Flame Blast, and Range increases the travel speed. 

3: Prismatic Void – This Void Mode ability combines Void Radiance and Void Strike, with some extra utility added by preventing Void Strike benefits from diminishing when attacking from Void Mode. Void Radiance is changed to an upfront energy cost increase, and is guaranteed to activate upon ending Prismatic Void. Strength increases Void Strike amplification, and both Duration and Range affect Void Radiance.

4: Phoenix Call – Phoenix Spirit and Phoenix Talons passive abilities are applied to allies, and each ally within the affinity radius increases the effect by 10%. Strength increases the total damage boost, but not the +10% multiplier per ally in range.

5: Fiery Uprising – Burn with a fury that lights the night sky ablaze, turning the force of a small squad into the conflagrating torch that incinerates foes of the Tenno. 

  • Phoenix Call is active with double the bonus for squadmates in range. 10% of damage dealt by affected players is converted to True damage, to bypass resistances.
  • All enemies within 5 meters become blinded while in proximity. Range affects this radius.
  • Phoenix Blast uses the maximum charge instantly. 
  • Additional Void damage is added based on half the Heat damage dealt, including weapons and mod abilities like Firewalker. 
  • Void Strike charges accumulate up to 30, and do not diminish until Phoenix Uprising has run out. 

Bleedout causes a wave of 500 Void 500 Heat damage flames to ripple out 10m from Nirvan at 1 second intervals, while the downed Nirvan has full access to their Amp. Inflicting damage to enemies charges the Overcharge meter, and that gain rate is doubled by any damage dealt by ripples. Every 1000 amp damage or 500 ripple adds 1% Overcharge.  If Overcharge reaches 100% before bleedout ends, or increases by 50% from start of bleedout before bleedout ends, Overcharge activates, and Nirvan returns to full health with invulnerability to all damage until Overcharge ends. 

Bullet Jump and Slide leave behind a trail of fire for 2 seconds, dealing 50 Void and 50 Heat damage every second. No more than 50m of total fire trail may exist. Strength affects damage dealt. Range increases the fire trail max length.

Divekick procs burst, dealing 100 Burst damage, 50 Heat damage, and 50 Void damage. Strength affects damage dealt.

Slam is guaranteed to proc 20 Heat damage over 2.5s and add 10% damage vulnerability on enemies that are hit for 2.5s. Strength increases damage dealt and vulnerability added. Duration affects damage and vulnerability length.

 When Phoenix Call is not active, Phoenix Spirit and Phoenix Talons provide their passive benefit to Nirvan, and are affected by Strength mods.

Inner Gaze and Eternal Gaze are affected by Strength mods, increasing both Amp Energy and Regeneration Rate beyond what the Amp has available.


Vazarin – The caring spirit, in tune and balanced with the unseen tides of the void. Their presence is a boon and a blessing to all who the Tenno seek to preserve.

1: Defensive Rush – This Void Dash ability combines Protective Dash and Sonic Dash, using both at once rather than overriding Protective Dash. Immunity and length of healing bonus are extended by Duration. Strength a small impact on healing bonus. Shockwave width and stun duration are affected by range and duration.

2: Aegis Blast – This Void Blast ability combines Guardian Shell and Guardian Blast. Efficiency reduces energy cost for hitting allies while Guardian Blast is enabled. Increased range affects distance for shielding allies. Strength affects damage absorption and overshields granted.

3: Hidden Boon – This Void Mode ability combines Void Regen and Void Aegis. Additionally, non-companion allies increase the radius slightly while in proximity. Health per second and energy cost for Void Regen are both affected by strength. Duration increases the speed of bubble growth for Void Aegis. Range affects both the radius and ally proximity increase.

4: Blessing of Tides – This increases health and health regeneration by the amounts specified in Rejuvenating and Enduring Tides waybound abilities for everyone within the affinity radius. Any allies, companions, and mission objectives in a bleedout state within Affinity radius are revived, up to 5 per mission. Strength mods affect health regeneration, but not increased health. 

5: Guardian Aegis – Calling upon the vast protective and restorative power that can be accessed by tapping into the lifestream entwined with the void, the true nature of Vazarin is released.  

  • All allies within Affinity radius get their own Void Aegis shield. 
  • Defensive Dash and Aegis Boon are free to use, and Blessing of Tides is automatically active. 
  • All revives are instant.
  • All Mending Soul and Blessing of Tides charges refresh at the end of Guardian Aegis.

Bleedout causes a shield bubble to emit from Nirvan. This attracts nearby enemies, who attack it with everything. If the enemies can keep up a rate of 100 damage per second, and at least one hit per second, the shield gains power, needing 20 units of power before bleedout expires to revive Nirvan. Upon being restored, Nirvan releases the power of the shield bubble, causing knockback and 100% radiation proc for 100 damage to enemies within 25m (affected by Range). Any downed allies within the exploded bubble’s range are also revived. 

Bullet Jump and Slide heals 10 health per second for 3 seconds, and applies the heal to any allies passed by within 2m or within the bullet jump burst radius. This can’t activate more than once every 5 seconds. 

Divekick grants 50 overshield, up to a maximum of 250, for each enemy hit in a single divekick. This lasts up to 10 seconds, and the timer is refreshed on additional divekicks, but will not be replenished or replaced by a higher value unless a divekick hitting equal or greater targets is performed.

Slam Attack provides temporary overshield to self and allies within the radius, based on distance traveled on the slam.

Rejuvenating and Enduring Tides, including increases from mods, are active at all times for Nirvan.

Strength mods affect the number of instant revives from Mending Soul. Affinity range increase from Mending Unity is affected by Range mods. 


Naramon – The bloodied blade of darkest night, sundering flesh and steel with unrelenting precision and unseen grace. 

1: Blade Dash – This Void Dash combines Executing and Surging Dash, increasing both damage and applied vulnerability. Finisher vulnerability affected by Strength. Range affects Surging Dash range increase. 

2: Chaotic Blast – This Void Blast combines Disorienting and Disarming Blast, improving the chances of one or both triggering. Either confusion or disarm will always happen if both nodes are full, and the chance to have both apply is possible with increased Strength. Strength and Range affect the distance of weapons that get displaced when disarmed. Strength and Duration affect the length of confusion. 

3: Void Assassin – Combines Void Stalker and Void Hunter passives, sharing enemy positions and critical bonus to allies. Any enemies spotted by Void Hunter will have their positions revealed to allies, and enemies are recolored red to signify friend from foe when looking at outlines through walls. Allies within affinity radius hit revealed enemies with the same bonus Critical Chance as the user’s Void Stalker. Strength affects Critical Chance. Duration affects the maximum seconds that the Critical Chance and enemy reveal properties may accumulate. Range affects reveal distance.

4: Hastened Mind – All allies within Affinity radius receive the benefits of Mind Sprint and Mind Step waybound abilities. Additionally bullet jump, slide, and roll travel faster/farther, and aim glide is increased, relative to the Mind Sprint bonus. Melee combo count also accumulates twice as fast while this is active. Strength increases movement speed. Range increases the speed/distance of all affected abilities.

5: Grim Reaper – Become the nightmare of shadowed brutality that haunts the inner depths of primal fear, wielding the exalted Void Scythe to rip the souls out of the enemy. 

  • Void Scythe finishers are performed in 0.1 sec on the first hit, and follow up finishers take 0.3 sec apiece.
  • Void Scythe will teleport to the nearest enemy exposed to Finisher after killing an enemy.
  • When an enemy is slain with a Finisher, Void damage projectiles that deal equal damage to the finisher hit enemies within 5 meters and make them vulnerable to Finishers.
  • Each consecutive hit on an enemy will expose followup hits to +5% True damage.
  • Void Assassin is automatically active, including void mode activation while not attacking.
  • Every kill produces a Health orb. 

Bleedout causes a shadow of Nirvan to appear, invisible to enemies, with a Void Scythe that only performs finishers and leaves slain enemies in a permanent stunned state. Void Dash can be performed at a very short range, but costs no energy. Slam, jumpkick, and bullet jump, also open finishers. When 7 enemies are stunned in this way, their life essence is stolen into the shadow, which merges back into the revived Nirvan and provides 300% melee damage for 0.1sec * sum of levels of the 7 enemies slain.  

Passing by enemies within 2m during Bullet Jump and Slide disorient enemies, with a 10% chance to knockdown, 10% to confuse, and 10% chance to disarm. Only one will proc per enemy, and lasts 3 seconds (disarm only knocks the weapon 5m away so the enemy can quickly recover it). Double the chances if the enemy is caught in a Bullet Jump burst radius.

Divekick is guaranteed to knock down enemies hit, with a minimum 35% chance to disarm, and disarm chances increase with Strength and kick velocity. Kick velocity also determines disarm distance.

Slam Attack confuses enemies for 2 seconds, and one attack dealt by confused enemies on other enemies, per enemy dealing an attack, is added to melee combo. 

Hastened Mind speed increases from mods are applied at all times to Nirvan. 

Affinity Spike increase is amplified by Strength. Duration increases the length between Power Spike degradation intervals.


Unairu – Terrestrial sturdiness woven into perfect form gives the Unairu practitioner and their allies the ironclad will to endure and outlast vast armies with little effort. 

1: Ruinous Charge – This combines Crippling and Sundering Dash, allowing for the mightiest of foes to be brought down with ease. Armor and Damage reduction is affected by Strength. Armor reduction diminishing returns are unaffected by Strength. Maximum damage reduction is 85%.

2: Polarized Shrapnel – Combines Magnetic Blast and Unairu Wisp. Instead of summoning a wisp, a successful wisp proc sends out damage buffs to all allies within affinity radius, halving the effect for allies who are not using their Operator or Nirvan. Duration affects both Magnetic Blast and Wisp effect lengths. Strength increases damage bonuses.

3: Transparent Guard – This Void Mode combines Void Chrysalis and Void Shadow. Maximum damage resistance with Strength mods is 95%. Duration reduces the increased energy cost per additional ally.

4: Basilisk Resolve – This combines Basilisk Scales and Basilisk Gaze to apply to all allies in affinity radius, halving the effect for allies who are not using their Operator or Nirvan. All projectiles and area-of-effect abilities have collision/size scaled up based on the bonus from Basilisk Gaze, as well as melee range increasing along similar lines. Range affects this size increase.

5: Basilisk Fortress – The balance of defense is tilted in a way that few enemies can overcome. 

  • Ruinous Charge and Polarized Sharpnel are free to use.
  • Ally damage taken is reduced by the amount Void Chrysalis provides.
  • All allies gain the Damage Returned feature of Void Spines (the added % is based on their own armor). 
  • Any ally within the affinity radius who stands still (including performing a hack or revive) is void invisible.

Bleedout causes a swarm of crystalline shards to appear, which are controlled by the player. Left Click performs a dash, Right Click allows the swarm to attach to a target. Attaching to an ally or defense objective grants them defense and overshield, attaching to an enemy causes hits to drain their shields, armor, and health, and absorbs projectiles they fire. Once 20 attacks have been resisted, or 20 hits on debuffed enemies have occurred, Nirvan is revived and immune to all attacks for 10 seconds. 

Bullet Jump and Slide cause enemies passed by within 2m to lose 0.1% armor per Nirvan’s current armor. Enemies hit within the Bullet Jump burst radius are hit with Impact damage and guaranteed proc, where damage is 25% of the frame’s current armor. 

Divekick hits enemies for Impact damage, with a guaranteed Impact proc, dealing damage based on 50% of Nirvan’s current armor, and destroying 0.1% armor per Nirvan’s current armor. 

Slam attack hits enemies with a guaranteed Impact proc, and knocks them upwards at 10% the distance of the slam. Strength and Range increases the distance and hang-time. 

Void Spines and Stone Skin are enhanced by Strength, and 1% of total armor is also added to damage returned, which is affected by Strength mods. 

Basilisk Scales armor increase is affected by Strength mods. Basilisk Gaze blast range is increased by Range mods.


Zenurik – Become the brilliant flash of deadly lightning, and the devastating thunderclap that follows, which stuns and strikes foes of the Tenno using energized efficiency. 

1: Voltaic Streak – This Void Dash ability combines Energizing Dash and Lightning Dash. Energy zone duration is affected by Duration mods, but not the length of the energy regeneration effect. Range mods affect the distance of the lightning ball. Strength mods increase the Electricity damage dealt. 

2: Electrifying Blast – This Void Blast ability combines Temporal and Voltaic Blast. Slowing has a maximum cap of 95% when affected by Strength mods. Slowing effect is increased by Duration mods. Electricity blast range is affected by Range mods.

3: Void Entanglement – This Void Mode ability combines Void Static and Singularity. This stuns Grineer Sensor Regulators without tripping them, for better use in stealth operations. Instead of one pulse, the damage effects are converted to a radial aura that follows Nirvan while void stealth is engaged. Aura damage frequency is affected by Duration mods.

4: Supercapacitor – This uses Void Siphon and Void Flow waybound abilities, applying the effects at 100% for allies who are also Nirvan or using their Operator. Half the maximum energy, and 1 energy per 15% of Void Flow per second, is provided to all other allies. Energy maximum increase is affected by Strength mods. Other forms of energy restoration are amplified by Void Siphon’s increased regeneration amount. 

5: Terawatt Dynamo – Converting latent void energy into pure power, Zenurik releases electrical rage with unrelenting purity of purpose.

  • Void Entanglement’s damage and attraction are active.
  • Electrifying Blast and Void Entanglement effects are guaranteed to proc Electricity status effect.
  • Channeling Melee attacks add 5x combo per hit, and gains an additional 25% Electricity and 25% Void damage. 

Bleedout has a 20 second delay before it begins, where the screen color and audio changes, but 0 Health has not yet taken effect, and healing no longer occurs. During this time, only Voltaic Streak and automatically-channeled Melee attacks are available. 5 power nodes spawn nearby, each must be struck by Nirvan to absorb its energy, which can be done with the built-in slam if no melee weapon is present. If all 5 are struck, bleedout is avoided, Nirvan is fully restored, and both Voltaic Streak and melee channeling are free to use for 20 seconds. Failure results in the usual downed state for 45 seconds. 

Bullet Jump and Slide are changed to produce a surrounding energy field, extending 2m, dealing 100 Electricity damage to enemies and restoring 10 energy to allies on contact.

Divekick produces a spark of arcing Electricity damage with a guaranteed proc, where the velocity determines damage and range that arcs reach out.

Slam Attack pulls enemies in, then pops them straight up in a small cluster. Every enemy pulled in adds 10% damage to melee attacks, lasting for 0.25s per enemy. 

Void Siphon only provides 25% effect while Supercapacitor is inactive. Void Flow is affected by mods that increase energy.

Inner Might provides +5/10/15/20/25/30% Electricity damage to all channeling melee attacks. Energy Pulse is affected by Strength and Duration mods.


Disruption – 2016 Global Game Jam Project

The Purpose of Disruption

Disruption was created by Reese Holland on Jan 29th and 30th, 2016, during Global Game Jam 2016. This was not done at a designated GGJ16 location so it does not count as an official entry, but the creation of the game did not start until the theme “Ritual” was assessed, and the diversifiers “Comic Book Colors,” “No retreat, no surrender,” and “One hand tied behind my back“ all apply to the completed project as well! 

The Story of Disruption

Disruption is the story of a powerful summoner who gains power by purging evil from the realm. As fate would have it, the world’s evil is gathered in one place for one final effort to curse the lands of all who oppose them, bringing death to the living and unlife to the dead. This ritual must be disrupted, and your role as the Summoner is to do just that.

The path to the ritual site is paved with peril, as horrific abominations of accursed magic stand in your way. But for each of them that is struck down, the Summoner’s strength grows, giving them the power to summon allies to aid in battle. Coordinating with summoned allies can be tricky, but a helping hand is always welcome in the fight against the accursed ones.

The Rules of Disruption

General Overview

  • Disruption is played by attempting to defeat 10 rounds of combat against Ritual Defenders with a combination of die rolls and ally assistance. The value of the die rolls and ally must be higher than the value of the Ritual Defenders in order to win the encounter.
  • Winning 10 encounters results in victory – losing 3 encounters results in defeat.
  • The first 5 wins are against single Ritual Defenders, where the player is meant to accumulate powerful allies. Losing against a single means the next battle will also be a single.
  • Against single Ritual Defenders, 2d6 or 1d6 + one ally may be used.
  • The second set of 5 wins must be against a pair of Ritual Defenders, which is where the powerful allies are likely needed for victory.
  • Against two Ritual Defenders, 2d6 is always rolled, and an optional ally may be used, but having no ally means a third die is not rolled.
  • Winning a single Ritual Defender encounter with solely the value of a die roll, or solely with the value of an ally, grants 1 draw from the Major Summoned Allies deck. Requiring both the ally and die roll to overcome the enemy value only grants a Minor Summoned Ally.
  • Winning a two Ritual Defender encounter with solely the value of the die rolls, or solely with the value of an ally, grants 1 draw from the Major Summoned Allies deck. Requiring both the ally and both die rolls to overcome the enemy value only grants a Minor Summoned Ally.
  • Breaking even creates a tie, which requires a new roll with the same amount of dice used as the previous roll. The new roll replaces the values of the previous roll to determine the value of the victory or defeat, and if a major or minor summoned ally should be provided.
  • 3 Minor Summoned Allies may be traded in at any time for a Major Summoned Ally draw.
  • Against a single Ritual Defender, the player’s range is 2d6 (2-12) without an ally, or 1d6+a range of 1 to 5 (2-11) with a minor summoned ally, or 1d6+6 to 10 (7-16) for a major summoned ally. Single Ritual Defenders only have a possible range of 1-10 power. 
  • Against two Ritual Defenders, the player’s range is still 2d6 (2-12) without an ally, but an ally may be added to the two rolls resulting in a range of 2d6+a range of 1 to 5 (3-17) with a minor summoned ally, or 2d6+a range of 6 to 10 (8-22) with a major summoned ally. Two Ritual Defenders have a range from 2-20. If the player has no major summoned allies, they may play two minor summoned allies if the Ritual Defenders total a value of 17 or higher.

Preparing for Gameplay

Materials required for play:
Six-sided die [d6] (two if possible, otherwise one can be rolled twice)
All cards A-10 from a standard 52-card poker deck
Optionally, one 10-sided die [d10] for the Accursed Joker

Prepare the game board by separating the red cards from black cards. All red cards A-10 go in a stack together, this is the Ritual Defenders Deck. To the right beside it is where the Ritual Defenders Graveyard is located, and defeated Ritual Defenders will go there face-up.

All black cards A-5 are separated from cards 6-10. The A-5 deck is Minor Summoned Allies, and the 6-10 deck is Major Summoned Allies. Beside them is the Summoned Allies Graveyard, where Minor Summoned Allies and Major Summoned Allies that were used in a battle will be placed when the battle is over.

Shuffle each deck thoroughly, then place the Minor Summoned Allies and Major Summoned Allies decks above and below one another to the right, and Ritual Defenders Deck to the left.

Draw 3 Minor Summoned Ally cards and place them in the player’s hand. At any time throughout the game, 3 Minor Summoned Allies can be traded in for a single draw from the Major Summoned Ally deck.

Gameplay is now ready to begin.

Order of Operations

  1. Place 1 card from the Ritual Defenders Deck and place it face-up in the center of the table.


  2. Choose to play an ally at this time, or to roll two dice.


  3. Roll and add the sum of the dice rolls, or one die roll and one summoned ally if an ally is used in the encounter. If the sum of this value is at or above that of the Ritual Defender, the battle has been won by the player. If it is below the value of the Ritual Defender, the battle is considered to be lost, and the player suffers a defeat. If the total of two die rolls, or total of a die roll and a Minor or Major Summoned Ally, is exactly the value of the Ritual Defender, the result is a draw, and the player must roll again and use that result to determine how the encounter is resolved. Either way, any ally that was summoned is placed in the summoned ally graveyard.

    On victory, place the Ritual Defender face down into the Ritual Defender Graveyard. If the ally or die roll value, or the total of two die rolls with no ally, exceeds the total Ritual Defender value, a Major Summoned Ally card is drawn and added to the player’s hand. If the combined value of the Minor Summoned Ally or Major Summoned Ally and die roll are needed to win, a Minor Summoned Ally is drawn.

    On defeat, move the winning Ritual Defender face up to the left of the Defender deck. This represents 1 defeat. 

  1. Repeat steps 1, 2, and 3, until the player has defeated five Ritual Defenders.

    After 5 wins, all remaining battles are against two Ritual Defenders, who share the sum total of their values as the target Ritual Defender value. In battles against two Ritual Defenders, the player always rolls 2d6 and has the option to bring an ally without impacting the number of die rolls. If the player has no major summoned allies, they may play two minor summoned allies if the Ritual Defenders total a value of 17 or higher. Being defeated by two Ritual Defenders at once only counts as one defeat.

    At ten wins, the Ritual Defenders have been defeated, and the Summoner succeeds in the disruption! The value of all remaining allies in the player’s hand, plus 5 for the player winning, minus 2 for each defeat that has been suffered, is the resulting score for the playthrough.

Optional Variation

Accursed Joker – Include 2 Joker cards in the Ritual Defenders Deck. Roll a 10-sided die when it appears, and that is the value that represents this Ritual Defender. If both are drawn at the same time, use the 10-sided die’s roll value for both, such that both Accursed Jokers will be the exact same value of one another. 


No Dice, No Problem!

If the player has no six-sided dice, JQK cards may be used to represent them. Put the red JQK cards together in a small deck, and the black JQK cards in another small deck. Shuffle them separately before drawing whenever a die roll is needed. Use the following values for the resulting draws:

Black Card

Red Card

Die Value

Jack of Clubs

Jack of Hearts


Queen of Clubs

Queen of Hearts


King of Clubs

King of Hearts


Jack of Spades

Jack of Diamonds


Queen of Spades

Queen of Diamonds


King of Spades

King of Diamonds


And lacking a ten-sided die for the Accursed Joker, the JKQ cards can be brought together after removing the Jack of Clubs and Jack of Hearts, shuffle them, and use the following values for the card which is drawn. Separate the cards back into the small decks from the above chart afterwards. 





Queen of Hearts


Queen of Clubs


King of Hearts


King of Clubs


Jack of Diamonds


Jack of Spades


Queen of Diamonds


Queen of Spades


King of Diamonds


King of Spades



Thuzar Goldflask, the Golden Alchemist (D&D 5E, 2017)


Thuzar Goldflask is a character I created for the D&D 5E version of The Sunless Citadel, a campaign for a party of level 1-3 characters. I chose to go with a Sorcerer of the Draconic Bloodline type, but instead of being the descendant of a dragon, they became dragon-like after consuming the essence of a gold dragon who once lived among the mines of his homeland’s hills. This gave me room to create a strong but well-rounded character who is steeped in their own personal lore, and can be roleplayed for both their strengths and weaknesses. This also gave me the chance to justify the alignment of the character as someone with evil and trouble in their heart being converted to someone who is good-natured but still resistant to falling in line with societal conventions and customs.

The Story of Thuzar Goldflask

Life at the Free Wall

As a mere child, Thuzar had dreams of being wealthy and powerful, wanting to hoard wealth and artifacts just as the red dragon from his favorite childhood story did, rather than sympathizing with the heroes who made a journey fraught with peril and sacrifice to eventually confront the dragon in their former homeland. With this as his primary objective in life, he had taken to mining the free walls, an area where his clan went to train new blood and test equipment against a sturdy low-yield wall of stone and rough ore. Every now and then someone would find something worthwhile, such as a small jewel or part of an artifact, which is why Thuzar spent his time there, despite being seen as a misguided child by neophyte miners and their overseers, but they would nor deny the chance for him to take up a passion in mining. Prior to the free wall, there had been a cave-in at the previous training cavern long before, which forced the mining overseers to use the free wall as their proving grounds for mining. Due to the stability, anyone was allowed to freely mine there and it was generally considered safe. Thuzar managed to stumble upon it with no guidance from others, and was present for a rare occurrence where someone found something of worth on his first day of mining, which was part of a large golden scale with a dense cluster of ancient gold coins and jewels embedded in it. 

By the age of 15, Thuzar had found that he could get away by completing his chores with a non-thorough job, then heading out. Normally a dwarf would be kept in line by their family, but aside from his parents, most of the closer members of his closer kin had moved a quarter day’s travel away because the area where they once lived was identified as a cave-in risk. This left it up to his parents to raise him, and he was too much for them, being somewhat of a dishonest troublemaker. He knew he’d get chewed out for not doing well at his chores, but instead of doing better the next time, he’d do just a bit worse, until it got to the point where he was simply not asked to do chores anymore because it would take more work to clean up his mess and sort things properly after. This also made him appear untrustworthy and limited his opportunities, so he got to know the free wall quite well, as it did not judge the miner who set tools upon it. He never had anything to show for it but a pile of stone and sometimes a few chunks of material worthy of a few copper coins, except one resinous, gleaming gold jewel that he found. It was a curious jewel, it made him feel at ease and peaceful when he held it, and it seemed as if it called to him in some unspoken way whenever he was away from it for long. Instead of banging on the free wall with his spare time, he’d go somewhere secluded and meditate with the stone in hand. He never once revealed the jewel to anyone – a rough droplet shape with a perfect sheen of the purest gold, but somewhat translucent and resinous like a golden amber, about the size of a fingertip. 

A Passion for a Good Brew

A few years later, he became of age to drink, and realized his new passion lied in bottles, kegs, and barrels. It was tough to build trust back, but he eventually showed a good effort and interest, plus exceptional endurance, and was taken on as an apprentice to the brewing guild at age 30. As to be expected, he started off doing manual grunt-work like moving equipment and hoisting sacks of grain up to the mash reservoir, and was very thorough and diligent with every step of every task. He observed everything with every brew, asking questions about each and every step, and by 35 was starting to work hands-on with the more important and time-sensitive processes. He was also entrusted to clean the equipment, which is a high honor since even the smallest speck of leftover material could affect the next brew, and one had to be extremely careful to not scratch or dent any piece as that could make them vulnerable to collecting unwanted impurities.

Two years later he’d started forming a plan, after having seen a different resinous stone get used in a brew where it was fully dissolved. The resulting beverage was sticky and tasted like tar, but appeared to have properties similar to a potion of healing, which was a rare task for the brewing guild as that normally falls into the hands of the alchemist guild. After a major seasonal brew, Thuzar volunteered to clean up the equipment and restock everything by himself. It would be two weeks before anyone would go into there again, which was plenty of time for him to make a small brew that nobody would notice. Using a smaller specialty mash system, he took the golden droplet jewel and mashed it with the grains, but added it whole as he felt compelled by the jewel to keep it intact. The jewel seemed to fully dissolve, and made the brew shine with an iridescent golden glow. As the brew cooled, the volume shrunk from a few gallons to the size of a good beer, but retained its weight. Without hesitation, but with great struggle, Thuzar drank it down, feeling an electric tingling throughout his body with each labored sip. The feeling Thuzar got from holding the stone was greatly intensified, and was now a part of him at all times.

Becoming Golden

Over the coming months, Thuzar would start to exhibit odd new signs. He started getting a sense of things that are more magical in the world, he started to present himself in even more of a respectful and dignified manner, and he started showing odd cracks and seams throughout his skin which began to manifest into faint dragon scales. This was noticed by his parents, who sought out the wisest of the clan for answers. They gathered and looked at Thuzar, and asked him of how he may have been affected, and told them all of the jewel and the forbidden brew he made. A few gasps and murmurs spread, and developed into uproar after the wise elders managed to confirm to the crowd what happened. The essence of a gold dragon who lived in the hills had been left behind, and he had crudely but proficiently turned it into a brew that would infuse himself with that essence. As the gathering adjourned, the leader of the brewer’s guild approached Thuzar and told him he would be formally expelled from the guild at the guild’s next meeting, for using the equipment in an unauthorized way, even if nothing was damaged and the equipment was all completely clean afterwards. 

Upset at the loss of his status as a brewer, Thuzar took to the library to study law, to see if there was anything that would help him make a case for return. Along the way, he started taking an interest in books about other cultures and their laws, and started to realize no cultures agree on any one thing for anything that truly matters, and that laws themselves are relative and not universally absolute. He even managed to find a way to trick his mind into thinking it knows languages that it doesn’t in order to read them, and it worked surprisingly well, as he was able to read volumes of old scripts written in draconic and interpret them in full, even pronouncing the written word properly when spoken. 

A Passion for More Powerful Brews

While studying law, he came across a book that had been checked out by a senior member of the alchemy guild Ol Halaur Torst–meaning Magic Gift Fun, as their potions were often known for whimsy and merriment. He visited the alchemist and they got to know one another, and discussed law as a subject. One form of law that wasn’t in the library was about the laws of magic, which the alchemist taught to Thuzar by providing a lengthy tome that details the arcane. By the end of it, Thuzar managed to discover that he’d taken on sorcerous powers to some extent, as a side-effect of the golden droplet potion, and the energized sensation he felt from the golden droplet was the arcane powers that now flow through him.

At 45, he was asked to join the Alchemist guild, where he began learning how to apply his newfound knowledge and powers to making the finest remedies, as well as powerful chemicals for a variety of purposes. This continues for fifteen years, at which point Thuzar sheds his apprenticeship and is accepted as a junior member. His research ended up running into a dead-end, one which many have run into before him, one which can only be resolved by taking matters into one’s own hands. In order to proceed, he must search out materials that the lab does not have, and processes the lab doesn’t have on record. He was given permission by the guild to travel by wagon to the location where an ancient book of alchemical processes was believed to have been stashed. While on a commissioned errand for the guild, Thuzar’s member dues are waived, and is considered in good standing unless he returns with no materials and no additional useful information about where those materials may be found.

Into the Sunless Citadel

Thuzar spends his resources making a variety of special batches for the journey to where the tome that Ol Halaur Torst seeks, including condensed meal draughts to last for weeks, a few healing potions, a few remedies to known deadly conditions, and a few packs of specially-prepared ceramic sling stones containing pressurized chemicals. Unfortunately, the resources he made were mostly expended through trading and use during the journey to the region where the Sunless Citadel was known to be located, along with other supplies the guild sent with the commissioned group. Being the only capable fighter of the group, Thuzar was requested to find others willing to brave the depths, which one of the elders claimed would be waiting for him when he reached the nearby town of Oakhurst, and that there were friends to be found within as well. 

This proved to be true, and he met with the adventurers Sonthelion, Taradyn Wishbreaker, and Zerrias Thews, who were also seeking to assist the town with the local threat from the cavernous temple nearby. Within the Sunless Citadel, he managed to befriend the Kobolds who were at war with the invading Goblins from further down, who had also trapped and caged a Gnome Cleric named Erky Timbers who joined the four after being rescued. Together they braved the depths, and emerged successful!

Character Sheet (Start of Campaign)

Race: Hill Dwarf
Age: 70
Trade: Brewer/Alchemist
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Class: Sorcerer
Walk speed: 25

Strength 10
Dexterity 14
Constitution 16 (+2 of which from being a Hill Dwarf)
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 12 (+1 of which for being a Hill Dwarf)
Charisma 14

Arcana, Deception, Insight, Persuasion
Brewing Supplies, Alchemy Supplies
Dwarven weapon training
Sorcerer weapon training

Common, Dwarvish, Draconic

Additional Features
Darkvision – 60 Feet
Advantage to saving throws vs poison
Resistance to poison damage
Stonecunning – History proficiency granted when analyzing stonework
+2 HP/lvl (Hill Dwarf and Draconic Bloodline)
Natural AC 13 + Dex Bonus
Gold Dragon Affinity
Double Charisma for Proficiency when interacting with Dragons

Traveler’s Clothes
Warhammer (also acted as Arcane Focus)
Dungeoneer’s pack
Light Crossbow with 20 Bolts
Sling with 20 Stones
Letter of Introduction from Ol Halaur Torst
Mess Kit
10 Feet of Hemp Rope
Potion identification tools from an Alchemy Kit

Fire Bolt
Mage Hand

Level 1 Spells 
Comprehend Languages
Burning Hands